雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. FROM LONDON TO HONG KONG. We are a full-service Hong Kong based event management and wedding planning company dedicated to once-in-a-lifetime celebrations. Let I Do… make your vision a reality. Whether you’re planning an intimate affair, or a creative celebration; you deserve to have a coordinator that will help you every step of the way.

  2. 婚禮場地. 無論午宴 婚禮、晚宴定證婚派對、輕婚禮定大排筵席,300+結婚場地 一鍵查詢. 全部結婚場地. 2024 熱門婚禮場地. 酒店. 戶外/草地. 輕婚禮. 全部. 黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部.遊艇會 – The Deck. 證婚場地. 戶外草地. 高私隱度. 屯門. 最低消費 $52,000. 120人. 香港三育書院 - 景輝堂. 非教徒教堂. 西式. 戶外草地. 西貢. 最低消費 - 300 - 500人. The Glasshall HK. 戶外草地. 玻璃屋. 中西式. 雞尾酒會. 九龍灣. 最低消費 - 4 - 10圍. 最新結婚場地. 科學園 - ClubONE PARC88. 九龍灣 - The Black Hall. 元朗 - 下白泥‧鴨仔坑士多. 全部結婚場地.

  3. Wedding Master 囍宴大師已逾10年婚宴統籌及証婚經驗,婚宴統籌團隊( Wedding Planner )均有相關證書,極具影響力,常有國際傳媒推介如CNN、路透社;亦為多間香港大集團管理旗下之婚宴及証婚場地。由簡約婚禮到千人宴,都能打造難忘婚禮!

  4. 服務周全:早上八時至晚上十二時 , 一星期七天婚禮諮詢服務 , 由專業婚禮顧問解答顧客任何有關婚禮事宜並提供協助。. 明碼實價 , 絕無其他隱藏收費。. 收費合理之餘並為新人節省不必要之開支 , 所以並不會因為聘請婚禮統籌師的收費而多用金錢 , 反而可大大 ...

  5. 香港婚禮統籌師. Wedding Planner. Ceremony Planning. Wedding Venues. Destination Weddings. OUR WEDDING PLANNING SERVICES IN HONG KONG & DESTINATIONS. Flower Design. Your wedding flowers reflect your unique style. Our designers consider each wedding, no matter the size, as a custom wedding. PHOTOGRAPHY. Each photographer has their own unique style.

  6. 一站式香港婚禮統籌師服務資訊及工作預約平台: 中式婚禮統籌, 西式婚禮統籌, 海外結婚統籌, 婚禮統籌培訓, Wedding Planner 推介推薦。 香港婚禮統籌師網

  7. Beauti-me Wedding Planner is designed specially to help wedding couples plan their dream wedding through affordable luxury. Beauti-me 重視每對新人, 重視每場婚禮. 不論大中小型, 證婚酒會, 戶外婚禮, 午間婚宴, 中西晚宴, 我們都全程投入, 為新人安排最好.

  8. 62230721. Wedding Planner & MC. Bless Wedding. 專業婚禮統籌及司儀. Bless Wedding 婚禮服務. 婚禮統籌. Wedding Planner. 前期見面及諮詢策劃婚禮. 度身編排婚禮全日流程表. 建議交通路線. 點算物資. 打點 新娘房. 處理突發事件. 了解更多. 婚禮司儀. Wedding MC. 前期見面及諮詢婚宴流程. 主持進場儀式. 主持集體遊戲. 安排敬茶及影相. 帶動現場氣氛. 測試咪、影片及音樂. 了解更多. 婚禮攝錄影. Wedding Photography. 婚紗攝影. 婚禮錄攝影. 成長片段. 早拍晚播. 即晚派 相. 了解更多. Bless Wedding 婚禮統籌及婚禮司儀團隊. 用心做好每場婚禮.

  9. Top wedding and event planner based in Hong Kong. The Moments' ultimate bespoke wedding planning service not only strives for aesthetically flawless weddings, complimented with professional coordination service, but also values the people involved.

  10. ABOUT US. We are a wedding design and planning boutique based in HK and available worldwide. We work with style-conscious souls, to create beautifully authentic celebrations and considered gatherings. Visual, sensory and emotive experiences, infused with personal touches and considered details.

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