雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Voted BEST Wedding Planner in Hong Kong since 2018. | 100% 𝙎𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙀𝘿! | All new clients Qualified for 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄.......

  2. Wedding Master 囍宴大師已逾10年婚宴統籌及証婚經驗,婚宴統籌團隊( Wedding Planner )均有相關證書,極具影響力,常有國際傳媒推介如CNN、路透社;亦為多間香港大集團管理旗下之婚宴及証婚場地。由簡約婚禮到千人宴,都能打造難忘婚禮!

  3. SINCE 2004... FROM LONDON TO HONG KONG. 我們是一家提供全方位服務的活動和婚禮統籌公司,致力於千載難逢的慶祝活動。 讓你的願景成為現實。 無論您是計劃私密的事情,還是精心策劃的慶祝活動; 你應該有一個策劃師,可以幫助你的每一步。 我們將協助您保持井井有條,並確保即使是最小的細節也不會被忽視。 我們的婚禮統籌師將為您設計,組織和執行您的活動提供建議,同時確保您的風格和個性。 最近,我們被評為香港頂級活動策劃者之一,我們很自豪能夠在過去幾年為無數的新婚夫婦提供服務。 Contact Us. 婚禮統籌 幫你輕鬆打造完美婚禮! 一場完美婚禮~表彰一對新人,對彼此愛情的誓言&對幸福婚姻的承諾!

  4. star in it. Top wedding and event planner based in Hong Kong. The Moments' ultimate bespoke wedding planning service not only strives for aesthetically flawless weddings, complimented with professional coordination service, but also values the people involved.

  5. Beauti-me Bridal House is a Hong Kong based wedding planning company. We are designed specially to help wedding couples plan their dream wedding through affordable luxury. Our wedding planner with an exacting eye for detail, experience and passion for every wedding occasion.

  6. AJ HK Wedding Planner. 為何選擇 Wedding Planner? 一對新人少不免欠缺經驗 , 籌備婚禮往往事倍功半。 作為新人之間的緩衝 , 減少準新人的無謂磨擦。 經驗豐富 , 充足的經驗可為婚禮節省金錢及時間 , 我們知道並找出最符合閣下的服務 , 並為禮儀提供最專業的意見。 為何選擇我們? 服務周全:早上八時至晚上十二時 , 一星期七天婚禮諮詢服務 , 由專業婚禮顧問解答顧客任何有關婚禮事宜並提供協助。 明碼實價 , 絕無其他隱藏收費。 收費合理之餘並為新人節省不必要之開支 , 所以並不會因為聘請婚禮統籌師的收費而多用金錢 , 反而可大大減少婚禮總開支 , 並可用盡一分一毫 , 使婚禮顯得更有氣派。

  7. Bless Wedding 是一間專業婚禮統籌及婚禮司儀公司,由2008年起一直用心為新人提供婚禮統籌服務及婚禮司儀服務,送上最真摰的祝福。 專業婚禮團隊的所有成員,憑著多年來的熱誠,用心做好每場婚禮及婚宴,致力令每對新人都能享受我們貼心的服務,享受婚禮的美好時光。 成就完美婚禮,期待下一對主角就是幸福的您倆。 Bless Wedding 婚禮統籌及婚禮司儀團隊. Tel / Whatsapp: +852 62230721. Bless Wedding是一間專業婚禮統籌及婚禮司儀公司,由2008年起一直用心為新人提供婚禮統籌及婚禮司儀服務,送上最真摰的祝福。

  8. THE WEDDING PLANNER HONG KONG. Made with Love in Hong Kong. We are luxury wedding planners and event designers, we have planned and designed many weddings and events from Hong Kong, SE Asia to Europe.

  9. Timeless Event Design is a Hong Kong based full-service wedding planning company. We create one of kind weddings and events worldwide with a focus on natural, elegant and romantic aesthetics.

  10. Wedding Maestros is a Hong Kong based wedding planning company specialising in comprehensive ready-made wedding packages that include professional day-of coordination, allowing couples the opportunity to be more involved in the planning process with the comfort of knowing that their wedding will be professionally.

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