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      • On-the-job training (OJT) is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a job in a real, or close to real, working environment. It is often used to learn how to use particular tools or equipment in a live-work practice, simulated, or training environment.
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  2. 2021年12月7日 · On-the-job training ( OJT) is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a job in a real, or close to real, working environment. It is often used to learn how to use particular tools or equipment in a live-work practice, simulated, or training environment.

  3. 2022年10月5日 · Also known as OJT, on-the-job training is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — learning how to do the job (or do the job better) while in the role. Through hands-on teaching and coaching, employees learn the practical skills and knowledge they need to perform their job.

  4. During the on-the-job training period. Trainees are engaged as employees with employer-employee relationship, employers will pay salary to trainees. Employers will appoint current staff with relevant work experience as trainees’ mentors so as to ensure suitable training and guidance support to trainees. Upon completion of relevant off-the-job ...

  5. On-the-job training refers to the training provided at the job location by an experienced supervisor or manager who is passionate about their job and will relay the information to the newly hired, whereas the off-the-job method involves giving training to the.

  6. 2024年2月13日 · On-the-job training is instruction for employees that takes place at work. OJT typically involves a combination of observing others and hands-on experience completing tasks under the supervision of a training manager, coworker or outsourced professional trainer. When undergoing OJT, you learn the processes and procedures your employer uses.

  7. On-the-Job Training (OJT) refers to a structured learning approach that enables employees to acquire new skills, knowledge, and competencies while performing their regular job duties. It involves hands-on experiences, practical application of concepts, and close guidance from experienced trainers or mentors.

  8. 2019年2月13日 · 所謂OJT,就是On the Job Training的縮寫意思是在工作現場內上司和技能嫻熟的老員工對下屬普通員工和新員工們通過日常的工作對必要的知識技能工作方法等進行教育的一種 培訓 方法。 它的特點是在具體工作中,雙方一邊示範講解、一邊實踐學習。 有了不明之處可以當場詢問、補充、糾正,還可以在 互動 中發現以往工作操作中的不足、不合理之處,共同改善。 也稱為“職場內培訓”。 OJT的長處在於,可以在工作中進行培訓,兩不耽誤,雙方都不必另外投入時間、精力和 費用 ,而且還能使培訓和實際工作密切聯繫,形成教與學的 互動 。 其短處在於,負責培訓的人如果不擅長教育別人,則成果會不理想,而且工作一忙起來,往往就顧不上認真、詳細地說明講解了。