雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 自從與妻子搬回日本,總是抽不出時間學習日文的本文作者是如何克服日語學習的重重障礙呢? 於是我決定去念三個月一期的語言學校,我找了間位在隔壁城市,由縣政府設立的語言學校。 2012年當時的學費僅需要1000日幣(約10元美元),其中包括註冊費與教科書,雖然很便宜但是最讓人頭痛的是在 ...

  2. 2020年7月17日 · 就算不懂日語,從漢字的意思也能略知一二,「通學路」指的就是學童上下學所固定走的主要路線,通常被規劃在靠近學校十到十五分鐘內路程的主要幹道上。. 讓小孩從低年級開始就學著自己走路上學,在日本文化裡是家長培養小孩獨立性的重要指標,當然 ...

  3. 2016年4月12日 · Below we outline six things that might surprise you in Japanese public schools, from the interesting to the practical—to the downright shocking! 6. Classrooms Aren't Heated or Cooled. Almost all Japanese classrooms are identical: big chalkboard at the front (yup, chalk!), smaller chalkboard at the back, windows to the hallway on the right ...

  4. 2016年4月12日 · No two people have exactly the same experience when it comes to teaching, but here are some things you can reasonably expect to do at a Japanese high school: Classroom instruction—either with a Japanese teacher who leads the class while you supplement, or with a Japanese teacher there for backup while you lead the class.

  5. 2016年2月22日 · 奈良市有著日本忍術協會創建的日本國內唯一一所忍術學校。無論男女老少、年齡大小,只要在這裡上課誰都可以拿到忍者執照,成為真正的忍者。 【一日體驗入學-2000日元】和【兩天一夜含住宿入學-4000日元】兩種課程可以任意選擇,而且這所學院平常工作日是不上課的哦(有沒有很爽),只在周 ...

  6. 2015年12月31日 · Astro Boy Meets the Rinpa School of Painting. This is what happens when you combine centuries-old traditional Japanese painting with modern anime, and we love it! If you’re interested in traditional Japanese art, you may be familiar with the Rinpa school of painting, which has a history that can be traced all the way back to the 17th century.

  7. 2021年11月12日 · Miwa's Japanese Cooking. Started in early 2020, "Miwa’s Japanese Cooking" already has close to 90,000 subscribers, proving that YouTube audiences can’t get enough of everyday Japanese food. Kamakura-born Miwa has lived in the US and UK and has worked as a salesperson and yoga instructor. She’s now the mother of two young boys and offers ...