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  1. 2023年12月28日 · 位於元朗錦田的離城,在 2021 年才開業,佔地約 40,000 平方呎,營地設計簇新,提供冷熱水淋浴、雪櫃、廚用鋅盤及香草採摘等。 夏天設有 40 平方米的大水池。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 我們的旅遊保險計劃具備「保護傘」的功能,為身在外地的你提供多種保障。. 視乎你的行程長短,你最好先了解保障範圍及賠償金額是否足夠。. 以下是數項主要保障範圍:. 人身意外. 涵蓋意外身故、四肢傷殘或失明,及永久完全傷殘等嚴重意外。. 醫療及其他 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Tips For Self-Driving Tours During The Covid-19 Pandemic
    • Hong Kong Car Rental Frequently Asked Questions
    • What Documents Are Needed When Picking Up Your Rental Car?
    • Do You Need to Return The Rental Car with A Full tank?
    • Is It Safe to Share A Rental Car?
    • Contact Kwiksure For More Insurance Solutions

    1. Don't go on one if you show symptoms of the novel coronavirus

    According to the Department of Health's guidelines, the most common COVID-19 symptoms include fever, fatigue, dry cough and difficulty breathing. Get tested as soon as possible and avoid traveling if you display any of these symptoms. Other signs of COVID-19 include: 1. Nasal congestion 2. Headache 3. Conjunctivitis 4. Sore throat 5. Diarrhea 6. Loss of taste or smell 7. Rash 8. Fingernails or toenails changing colors

    2. Sanitize often

    After picking up your car, use antiseptic alcohol or wet wipes to wipe down the most frequently used areas of the car, such as the steering wheel, armrests, seats, seat belts, touch screens, etc. This is to prevent contracting residual germs and viruses from the previous driver. We also recommend opening the windows while driving to maintain air circulation. Here are five ways to keep your car safe from germs and viruses.

    3. Stay vigilant when out driving or refueling your vehicle

    Remember to wear a mask when you get off to take a break or visit scenic spots. Before eating, wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds or use a hand sanitizer if that's not an option.

    Is there an age limit for who can rent a car for personal use?

    In Hong Kong, anyone aged 25 or above and holds a valid Hong Kong driver's license for at least two years may rent a vehicle.

    What's the average rate for renting a car in Hong Kong?

    If you're renting a vehicle during the day time, the rate is roughly $600 to $1,000 per day. This price fluctuates based on: 1. How much mileage is included in the rental price? 2. Is there 24-hour road support? 3. What's the fuel calculation method? 4. Is car insurance included? 5. Is there a surcharge for additional drivers? 6. How much surcharge is required if you pick up and return the vehicle outside of the designated location? 7. Are you paying rental fees for any additional equipment (...

    Renting a vehicle for personal use requires several documents: your ID card, driver's license, pick-up ticket, proof of address for the last three months, and credit card. If you're renting a car under a company name, you must present a valid business registration copy and company seal. Keep in mind that each rental company has different regulation...

    Most car rental companies ask their customers to return the vehicles with a full tank. Otherwise, they might charge you a service fee.

    Car-sharing is the act of renting out idle cars on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. However, we do not recommend this. In the event of a traffic accident, it is difficult to clarify who is responsible. In addition, there have been numerous similar disputes in the past. Even if an agreement has been signed, it is not foolproof. Therefore, we recom...

    Kwiksure has more than 20 years of experience in the car insurance industry. Aside from car insurance (third-party and comprehensive), we also provide home insurance, motorcycle insurance, Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) insurance, and many more! Get a free quote now with our online quotation tool, or ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  3. 2021年2月11日 · 香港本地租車條件及流程. 一般來說,在香港租車過程簡單,只需要跟從以下的幾個步驟便可: 上網/致電查詢. 正式租車前當然要做功課和格價,最好致電或上網,了解不同租車公司的租車方式、所需文件、價錢及條件等。 決定好就可聯絡公司安排租車。 辦理手續及取車. 在預約好的時間,帶齊文件、租金及按金,前往公司辦理租車。 若想在自訂的地點而非租車公司地點取車及還車,租車公司會收取額外費用。 簽妥合約後,最好即場檢查車輛才駕駛離開。 續租或還車. 在合約所定的還車日期及時間還車,如果要續租需提前通知租車公司。 辦理還車手續. 歸還汽車後,公司職員會檢查車輛狀態。 如果一切正常,就會全數退回按金。 新冠肺炎疫情下自駕遊貼士. 如有新冠肺炎病癥,切勿自駕出遊.

  4. 2024年5月2日 · 全年旅遊保險 VS 單次旅遊保險. 如屬同一旅遊保險計劃,不論是全年旅遊保險抑或單次旅遊保險,保障內容一般而言沒有分別。 兩者主要分別在於保障期限,詳情可參考下表: 旅遊保險|甚麼人適合買單次旅遊保險. 如果 每年旅遊次數不多,只是間中作短期外遊,單次旅遊保險會較適合。 因為單次旅遊保費便宜,可根據自己的預算、家庭人數、行程及活動購買適合的旅遊保險。 旅遊保險|甚麼人適合買全年旅遊保險. 全年旅遊保險適合經常外遊人士,只需投保一次,便可整年在外遊時得到保障。 此外,如 打算去一個長時間的旅行例如一個月或以上,我們也建議購買全年旅遊保險,因兩者保費相差不多,若在投保年度突然興之所至想再度外遊,也毋須再額外購買。 旅遊保險|保障項目有啲乜?

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  5. 2024年5月3日 · 快而保提提你:所謂保額並非「保費金額」!. 而是保障額度,即是保險公司為保障所設的賠償上限。. 然而,設有年齡限制的旅遊保險都一樣可能會限制保額。. 例如 MSIG iTravel Plus 旅遊保險 最高受保年齡為 80 歲,但 如受保人年齡在 65 歲以上,其全年旅遊保險 ...

  6. 2024年4月2日 · 作者: Kwiksure 團隊 分享: 你可能與不少預產媽媽一樣,計劃在 bb 出世前,享受最後一個輕鬆自在的假期。. 無論是週末短假,抑或悠長渡假,都要記得購買合適的 旅遊保險。. 雖然我們都希望假期玩得愉快,但意外確實有可能發生,你可能錯失航班、需要承擔 ...

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