雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 海洋 海洋是地球的生命之源 野生生物 非法野生生物貿易和消費正威脅世界標誌性物種的生存。 為了保護這些物種及人類健康,我們必須停止相關貿易和消費。 米埔及濕地 東亞沿岸的濕地是數千萬水鳥的中轉站和渡冬之地。 遷徙過程中,沿途的濕地就是牠們休息、進食、補充能量之所。

  2. wwf-brand.azurewebsites.net › publications › global-logoGlobal logo | WWF

    Today our global logo looks like this. It has four elements – the panda icon, our initials WWF and the copyright and trademark logos. All these elements are locked up together and shouldn’t be separated. The panda icon and our initials are internationally registered and trademarks.

  3. 67. 被浏览. 197,330. 9 个回答. 默认排序. WWF世界自然基金会. 已认证账号. 312 人赞同了该回答. WWF logo ©WWF. WWF的熊猫徽标灵感来自于Chi-Chi。 Chi-Chi是一只于1961年移居伦敦动物园的大熊猫。 而WWF正筹建于1961年。 ©Chi Chi, Giant Panda, London Zoo, Camden, taken 1967. WWF当时特别需要一种能够跨越人类语言和文化障碍的标志,这种标志一定要容易被识别并且可以让人轻易产生强烈的印象。 熊猫有着毛茸的圆滚可爱体形和吸引人的充满魅力的黑色大眼圈。 WWF logo演变史. WWF的筹建者们一致认为它的形象极适于作为组织的标志。

  4. Colour palette. Typography. Tone of voice. OUR LOGO IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SYMBOLS ON THE PLANET. © Bernard De Wetter / WWF. Our iconic logo is at the heart of all our communications – and is recognized all over the world. Logo. What is the story behind WWF’s panda logo?

  5. The giant panda is the featured animal on the logo for World Wildlife Fund as a symbol of all endangered species that would be able to thrive if permitted the range and natural environment of their origin. Our logo is representative of World Wildlife Fund's commitment to protect wildlife and wild spaces.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats and address global threats such as pollution, over-fishing and climate change.

  8. 從管理米埔自然保護區到保護稀有物種,我們不斷努力、迎難而上,為香港保育和教育事業出力!了解更多 WWF需要您的支持,無論您捐款成為會員、參加籌款活動,還是促請公司成為會員,亦或是登記成為義工,總有機會讓您參與其中,與我們一起締造更美好的未來!

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