雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年12月2日 · During August, Japans warmest month of the year, the highest temperature is 32 C on average. January is the coldest, with average highs of 10°C on average. Rainfall is as frequent as other areas of Tokyo, with precipitation even during the driest month.

  2. 2019年12月2日 · 东京天气. Updated: December 2, 2019. 春天(3~5月) 春寒料峭,请留意保暖,外出记得携带外套或羊毛衫。 到了5月,天气转暖而草木萌发,大部分日子可穿短袖舒适出游。 即便早晚较凉,凉爽由又晴朗的白天非常适合从事户外运动,是外出游玩的最佳季节。 请记得带上能够根据当天气温进行穿脱的外套。 夏天(6~8月) 6月至7月中旬是东京的梅雨季节,可以说是一整年中最多雨潮湿的时期。 比起季风带来的雨水,梅雨季节的小雨似乎持续更久。 穿上雨衣是不错的选择,但材质过厚会又热又闷,所以轻薄的雨衣较好。 如果您准备在梅雨季节在东京逛街,或者到东京西部、奥多摩地区远足或露营,穿防水运动鞋会比较方便。 此外,在便利店也能轻松买到折叠伞。 梅雨季节一结束,就会转变成闷热的夏季气候。

  3. 2019年12月2日 · 您可以到 Tokyo Amesh 查詢即時天氣資訊,並依照此網站的資訊安排活動行程。 服裝方面與春季相同,建議採多層次穿搭。 11月上旬雖然還有機會遇到適合穿著輕便T恤的日子,但也有可能碰上就算穿著毛衣還需要外加一件外套的時候。 冬季(12~2月) 12月的天氣大多與秋季相同,但到了1月就會變得寒冷。 東京的氣溫鮮少降至0度以下,但幾乎落在1度至10度之間。 冬季的日照時間較短,下午4點半左右天色就會變暗。 另外,冬季有可能會下雪。 1月、2月時穿著毛衣或大衣(羊毛大衣或輕量羽絨外套),再加上手套、圍巾、帽子等配件應該就足夠了。

  4. 2023年10月3日 · Tips. The best autumn views last from mid-November to early December. The autumn weather ranges from mildly warm to chilly. Be sure to pack a sweater and scarf. Certain days and times will be particularly crowded with travelers and locals eager to enjoy the sights. Consider scheduling your visits on weekdays and mornings to avoid the crowds.

  5. 2020年12月17日 · What to wear in Tokyo’s autumn weather As in spring, temperatures vary greatly from early autumn to late autumn. Dress comfortably, and don’t forget a coat! Also keep an eye on the weather forecast, as a typhoon may pass by in September or October.

  6. 2020年11月25日 · In Tokyo, as in much of Japan, the rainy season (known as tsuyu in Japanese) generally runs from mid-June to late July, although it might be more properly be called the “overcast” season. Expect lots of gray and humid days with scattered showers and drizzle.

  7. 2023年6月16日 · What is the weather like in Tokyo in July? The average temperature in Tokyo in July is 25.7ºC (78.3°F), and it rarely drops below 20ºC (68°F). You will likely experience some rainy days, especially in early and mid-July.

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