雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2007年2月24日 · Born in 1830, Yoshida Shoin was part of Japan’s last generation of samurai. While that distinction carries with it a certain tragic, romantic feel, the truth is that Shoin himself wanted to bring an end to the feudal mode of government in which Japan was ruled by

  2. 2020年12月11日 · Art director Yuni Yoshida has an ongoing series in Japanese fashion magazine Soen in which she collaborates with different celebrities for an artful spread called “Play a Sensation.” Currently in its 38th iteration, each month, Yoshida turns her creativity to a different Japanese celebrity, rendering them into works of art using mostly ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2017年2月7日 · 夏日味蕾新伴 — 日本当地限定款哈根达斯6选. 哈根达斯 (Häagen-Dazs)因口味众多而广受欢迎。. 向来喜欢吃哈根达斯的日本人当然也不会错过推出各种季节限定商品的机会。. 既能与国际接轨,又能在本土化上给出出色创意,根据时节更迭,结合日本当地的精华食 ...

  5. 2018年7月12日 · Pixels are typically associated with digital formats. But in a recent series, Japanese Creative Director Yuni Yoshida turns that thinking inside-out, using real food and analog techniques of cutting and stacking to create patches of “pixelations” in her staged compositions of food. http://www.spoon-tamago.

  6. 2016年5月2日 · 札幌拉面,中华面文化的变种. 冰上的知床,在北方寒夜里大雪纷飞的世界遗产. 日本历史上的三大将军——织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康,可以说在不仅在日本家喻户晓,世界上很多其他国家的人也对他们很感兴趣。. 这三位将军在很多日本古城池生活征战 ...

  7. 2017年5月29日 · Between all of its brands, a Monteroza izakaya can be found in every prefecture in Japan, as well as in Korea, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. - www.roza.monteroza.co.jp (Japanese)

  8. 2024年2月26日 · 建议入园后从大池的东西两侧以及山之广场观赏樱花。. 此外,大池东侧还有樱花隧道,非常浪漫适合散步和拍照。. 此外公园内还有BBQ烧烤区。. 赏樱花的同时品尝烧烤何尝不是一种独属于春日的风雅。. 花博纪念公园鹤见绿地. 地址:大阪府大阪市鶴見区緑地公 ...