雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. DOMUS*, Elite International Bond*, Futura II*, Futura III*, International Wealth Account*, IWA*, Pacific*, SUPRA Savings and Investment Plan*, Vista* and Vista Retirement Scheme* are investment-linked assurance schemes (individually, the “ILAS policy”; and

    • Make a Claim

      We are here to provide you convenient claim services ...

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      Applicable to Zurich International Life policies ...

    • Travel Insurance

      Travel insurance Whether it’s a leisure trip, oversea ...

  2. The Automatic Investment Strategy (AIS) and the Retirement Investment Strategy (RIS) reduce risk by automatically switching your policy through up to five investment portfolios, depending how long is left until your policy matures. Each portfolio offers less exposure to risk than the previous one. AIS is available on Vista policies issued after ...

  3. 作為世界最大的國際保險及投資產品供應商之一的一分子,我們擁有崇高信譽,一貫以來表現卓越,矢志為客戶提供最優質的服務。 為實踐我們對客戶的承諾並讓您隨時查閱最新的保單詳情Zurich International online(簡稱ZIO)現為您提供一個快捷方便的途徑在網上瀏覽資料。 ZIO一年365日,每日24小時為您服務,讓您對目前投資選擇價值、投資策略瞭如指掌。 當您登入ZIO,您會找到有關您的保單的詳盡資料,包括: 目前所持的投資選擇;目前投資選擇及退保價值. 保費狀態. 投資策略. 保障詳情. 過往及現時提款安排. 個人資料. 故此,您無須等待下張結單便能查閱您的保單進度,彈指之間就能掌握所有資料。 登入 Zurich International Online. 下載指引.

  4. 重要事項. 環球置業國際按揭計劃*、卓越精英國際投資計劃*、「樂安閑」計劃*、「樂安閑」III*、國際創富計劃*、「景緻人生」*、翱翔人生*、至尊國際儲蓄投資*、豐盛人生*及豐盛人生退休計劃*是與投資有關的人壽保險計劃(個別稱為或統稱為「投資壽險保單 ...

  5. 以下投資壽險保單由蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司發出:. 環球置業國際按揭計劃*. 卓越精英國際投資計劃*. 「樂安閑」計劃*. 「樂安閑」III*. 國際創富計劃*. 「景緻人生」*. 翱翔人生*. 至尊國際儲蓄投資*.

  6. Established in 1982, Zurich International is part of the Zurich Insurance Group – a leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in global and local markets. We provide a wide range of insurance products and services in more than 215 countries and territories.