雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. DOMUS*, Elite International Bond*, Futura II*, Futura III*, International Wealth Account*, IWA*, Pacific*, SUPRA Savings and Investment Plan*, Vista* and Vista Retirement Scheme* are investment-linked assurance schemes (individually, the “ILAS policy”; and

  2. 以下投資壽險保單由蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司發出:. 環球置業國際按揭計劃*. 卓越精英國際投資計劃*. 「樂安閑」計劃*. 「樂安閑」III*. 國際創富計劃*. 「景緻人生」*. 翱翔人生*. 至尊國際儲蓄投資*.

  3. 蘇黎世人壽(Zurich Assurance Ltd)(於英格蘭及威爾斯註冊成立之有限公司) 蘇黎世保險有限公司(於瑞士註冊成立之有限公司) 蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司(於人島註冊成立之有限公司) 蘇黎世人壽保險(香港)有限公司(於香港註冊成立之有限公司)

  4. Fund centres Our fund centres provide details on fund performance and prices, as well as professional monthly factsheets you can download. Centres are available 24/7 for our internal fund range on Vista and our external fund range on the International Wealth

  5. 部分投資選項/投資選擇相應的相關基金是衍生工具,其淨衍生工具風險承擔額可能會超過其資產淨值的50%,甚或高於其資產淨值的100%。. 該等投資選項/投資選擇或僅適合了解衍生工具產品結構的複雜性及其相關風險的投資者。. 若投資於該等投資選項 ...

  6. Investment choices (cash distribution) are linked to the share class of the corresponding underlying funds which aim to distribute cash dividend on a regular basis. If you choose to invest into the investment choices (cash distribution), you will receive cash dividend if we receive such cash dividend from the corresponding underlying fund (s).

  7. The following ILAS policies are issued by Zurich International Life Limited: DOMUS* Elite International Bond* Futura II* Futura III* International Wealth Account* IWA* Pacific* SUPRA Savings and Investment Plan* Vista* Vista Retirement Scheme* For latest price