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    • No surrender value

      • It is also really important to understand that with a Vista policy, there is no surrender value during the initial contribution period – which is typically 18 months.
  1. amount is normally a percentage of the encashment/surrender value of your policy. A maximum partial encashment/surrender is the most you can take from your policy without fully encashing/surrendering it.

  2. Early termination, partial surrender, full surrender, partial withdrawal, regular withdrawal, policy suspension, exercising premium holiday or reduction in regular premium of your ILAS policy may result in a significant loss of your investment and premiums paid as

  3. Surrender Value = A / 1.07^(B/12) - C + D A=扣除應索回的獎賞後剩下的最初供款單位價值 B=距離計劃期滿日剩下的年期(以完整月份數目計算) C=定額費用HKD 8,000 D=累積供款單位價值 我仲有供緊,搓得返平手我就會Cut, 你依家走蝕幾多?

  4. Using calculations from an offshore projection suite, it is possible to see how Zurich Vista’s charges compare against other similar ILAS products when it comes to projected maturity values. This table shows the results for one example - a 15-year savings plan with a monthly premium of £300.

  5. payment term. Please notice on Vista that the surrender value is lower in the early years of the policy. It is also really important to understand that with a Vista policy, there is no surrender value during the initial contribution period – which is typically 18 months.

  6. 2006年8月31日 · 小貼士: Uwants.com 想問大家幾樣關於zurich vista 3 25年期PLAN的問題 首先,個PLAN話3年唔郁 (SUSPENDED)就會收SURRENDER CHARGE. 咁係咪代表供完頭18個月後,我每三年比一次PREMIUM都可以維持個PLAN而唔會有額外收費? 其次,ICP果PART既管理費係4%+0.7 ...