雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 上門二手傢俬回收 相關

  2. 另提供質量上乘的古玩及古董傢俬,歡迎查詢: 9242 7177 何生。位於北角渣華道19號地鋪。 全港最大實體店,免費上門估價、收購各類型古董、字畫、黃花䔧、紫檀、酸枝家具、CD碟、黑膠碟等

  3. 提供優惠傢俬直銷及訂造,免費報價,專人上門度呎及安裝,另承接室內裝修工程。 逾30年訂造傢俬公司經驗,自置廠房,提供優惠傢俬直銷及承接室內裝修工程。

  4. 合資格回收再造公司,回收手機配件. 專業處理及銷毀各國庫存電子及退港廢料。


  1. 這裡一共有超過400個攤檔,建議你慢慢選購。 不要太聽信攤主的介紹,記得還價。 玉器市場入口. 香港玉器市場擁有超過400個出售玉器的攤位,在這裡你可以買到從玉器到珍珠,寶石各種各樣的雕刻,首飾,裝飾品等。

  2. Hong Kong is a shopping heaven. In Hong Kong island there are lots of large shopping malls where we can find a wide variety of items to purchase.

  3. Before starting your shopping in Hong Kong, we at Next Stop Hong Kong would like to give you some advices and suggestions.

  4. Antique Street and Cat Street are a great place to look and shop around especially if you are looking for antiques, Mao/China memorabilia, knick-knacks and other curios.

  5. Kaiser Estate is located in Hung Hom where you can find Adidas, Reebok and Timberland Factory Outlet Stores with discounted prices.

  6. Ocean Park opens up a new attraction "Old Hong Kong" from where you will find lots of old Hong Kong memories, including old star ferry pier, Classic Rickshaw, the Heritage Tram No.120, old style grand theater and British pillar box.

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