雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Weather warning has been announced. Which weather waning has been announced? Advisory. Warning. Emergency warning. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.

  2. 本推撥通知應用程式告知您關於地震速報、海嘯警報與其他日本國內氣象警報等警戒,可用語言包括英語、日語、韓語、中文(繁體)、中文(簡體)、越南語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、泰語、印尼語、塔加路語、黎巴嫩語、高棉語、緬甸語與蒙古語。. 本 ...

  3. When a weather warning. is issued. Emergency warning. It will be announced when standard warning level is highly expected and there is a high risk of a major disaster which only occurs once in a few decades. Immediate need to relocate to a safe area. ・Immediate need to take appropriate actions in order to ensure one's safety.

  4. This push-enabled app pushes alerts about earthquake early warnings, tsunami warnings, and other weather warnings within Japan in English, Japanese, Hangul, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Indonesian

  5. 面向外国游客,在灾害时提供帮助的应用(观光厅监修). 安全小助手(Safety tips)是面向外国游客,通过推送功能提供警报信息的应用。. 本软件通过推送功能,以英语、日语、韩语、中文(繁体、简体)、越南语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、泰语、印度尼西亚语 ...

  6. 发布的是哪种气象警报? 预警. 警报. 特别警报. 本网站面向来访日本的外国游客,提供帮助他们安全旅行的信息。

  7. 發布氣象警報了. 發布的是哪種氣象警報? 注意報. 警報. 特別警報. 本網站提供各種資訊,協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。