雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 天壇大佛(Big Buddha). 天壇大佛坐落於昂坪大嶼山的木魚峰上,是香港最受歡迎的景點之一。. 英文中常常就簡稱為大佛(Big Buddha 或者 Giant Buddha)。. 天壇大佛於1993竣工,12月29日經佛家阿彌陀誕辰日開光,從此這座青銅佛便以其26.4米的高度和250公噸的重量 ...

    • Why Visiting The Victoria Peak (The peak)?
    • When Is The Best Time to Get Up to and Visit The Peak?
    • The Popular Attractions on The Peak – What Else Are There on Victoria Peak?
    • A Bit Story Behind The Peak

    If one says Hong Kong’s best attraction is her skyline, then Victoria Peak is one of the best places to enjoy the view. Victoria Peak is the highest evaluation of Hong Kong Island with an altitude of 552m (1,811ft). It is also known as Mount Austin and its Chinese name “Tai Ping Shan” literally means “Pacific Mountain Peak” or “Mountain Peak of Gre...

    Victoria Peak can be best enjoyed at dry and clear days – be it day or night. However, you need to be prepared that haze, mist, and fog can occur and limit and restrict your views. Even on sunny days, there is often a clear visible layer of Hong Kong’s air pollution hanging on top of the skyscrapers. Also you can experience low hanging clouds which...

    Peak Tram is not the only way getting up to the Peak. However, it is definitely the best. Not only because of the great city view, the fastest way to the Peak, but also due to its long history and...
    The Peak Tower sits at 396 meters above sea level. It is not only one of Hong Kong’s most stylish and modern architectural buildings, but also a complex of both leisure and shopping.It houses two o...
    The open-air Sky Terrace 428 is the highest outdoor 360 degree viewing deck in Hong Kong and located on the top of The Peak Tower with an altitude of 428 meters above sea level. Hence the number 42...
    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opened in 2000 and is the first branch of the wax figure museum in Asia. Today’s Madame Tussauds provides 100 national and international lifelike wax figures that you can...

    Being the highest point on Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak has been used as a natural signalling post for incoming cargo ships in the nineteenth century. During the early 20th century, it served as an exclusive residential area for expats only. The only way you could get up was by foot or by Peak Tram (since 1888). The foreign expatriates decided o...

  2. Mister Softee公司成立於1965年,目前是美國最大的軟雪糕公司。 上世紀70年代,Mister Softee的軟雪糕傳入英國,繼而被帶到香港。 由於後來香港政府停止發出流動商販的牌照(對的,富豪雪糕流動車屬於流動商販範疇,就是我們說的街上擺攤兒之類),至今全港目前只剩下14輛富豪雪糕流動車了。 因為無法將牌照轉到其他車輛上,所以你現在在街上見到的富豪雪糕流動車都是70年代的呢。 在2010年,雪糕車從Mister Softee更名為現在的Mobile Softee。 所以如果你有機會見到富豪雪糕流動車,還是趕緊試一試吧! 我們最推薦的還是他們的軟雪糕,如果沒試試地道的香港富豪雪糕,可不算來過香港喲! 哪裡能找到富豪雪糕流動車呢? 理論上來說,全港到處都有機會見到。

  3. 上世纪70年代,Mister Softee的软雪糕传入英国,继而被带到香港。 由于后来香港政府停止发出流动商贩的牌照(对的,富豪雪糕流动车属于流动商贩范畴,就是我们说的街上摆摊儿之类),至今全港目前只剩下14辆富豪雪糕流动车了。 因为无法将牌照转到其他车辆上,所以你现在在街上见到的富豪雪糕流动车都是70年代的呢。 在2010年,雪糕车从Mister Softee更名为现在的Mobile Softee。 所以如果你有机会见到富豪雪糕流动车,还是赶紧试一试吧! 我们最推荐的还是他们的软雪糕,如果没试试地道的香港富豪雪糕,可不算来过香港哟! 哪里能找到富豪雪糕流动车呢? 理论上来说,全港到处都有机会见到。

  4. 位于大屿山昂坪的昂坪市集 (Ngong Ping Village)是一个中式园林建筑风格的旅游景点,内设许多餐饮,购物和娱乐设施。. 可是由于过于商业化的氛围,许多游客感觉昂坪失去了原有的自然和宁静的风格。. 除了与著名的 昂坪360缆车站 以及 天坛大佛 毗邻,昂坪 ...

  5. Dim Sum is a kind of food in Hong Kong, prepared as small sized or potions of food and served in typical Hong Kong Restaurants, which is also called “drink tea” (yum cha).

  6. 香港電腦產品中心. 香港是犀利的購物者尋找電子數碼產品優惠的主要目標,例如數碼相機,筆記本電腦,台式電腦以及電腦周邊產品,你都可以在電腦中心找到繼續閱讀… 香港市集和街市. 除了大型現代的購物商場之外,香港的各個市集,例如女人街,波鞋街,廟街等,都是旅遊熱點,在那裡你可以感受香港原汁原味的本地生活和特色。 繼續閱讀… 香港購物攻略. 限時折扣和優惠活動. 香港作為一個旅遊和購物天堂,總是時不時推出各種優惠和折扣,無論是在交通,景點門票還是在購物上,香港總是不停的給你驚喜! 繼續閱讀… 在香港購物的建議. 在你開始在香港購物前,不妨先瞭解一下在香港購物有哪些需要注意的地方,如何才能更好的保護自己權益,如何分辨商品的真假。 繼續閱讀… 窮游香港之飲食篇.