雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年3月24日 · 鳥取民間工藝之祖 吉田璋也(1898-1972). 鳥取民間工藝之祖吉田璋也誕生於鳥取縣鳥取市,是影響現代創作者極深的關鍵人物。. 吉田除從事醫生一職之外,更與縣內的匠人一同成立組織,涵蓋了工藝製品的企劃、設計、製作、流通、販售、消費等,作為 ...

  2. 傳統工藝 北海道. 「玻璃之都,唯有小樽」,這是一句在全日本都流傳得很廣的老話,從側面凸顯出小樽產的玻璃製品在日本全國的知名度和良好口碑。. 喜歡玻璃製品的小夥伴們,在觀賞風景之餘,也不妨走進下面這5家玻璃製品人氣老店,收集一些晶瑩剔透的 ...

  3. 日本调酒师:金酒(GIN)与手工金酒. 炎炎夏日,深受大家喜爱的金汤力中的金酒,其实在日本各地亦有生产。. 这篇为大家科普并介绍下备受瞩目的日本手工金酒。. 日本调酒师:来横滨喝什么?. 横滨金酒蒸馏所&鸡尾酒酒吧Nemanja. 横滨,是黑船来航之后日本 ...

  4. 日本匠人:折井宏司的“着色”变革. 日本人 传统手工工艺. 拥有四百多年历史和传统的高冈铜器,曾面临因不景气而每况愈下的危机,而一位“新匠人”顶风逆流而上,开发独创的着色技术,成功扩大了金属着色的可能性,以其新颖的色泽和质感,深邃古朴的 ...

  5. 2017年2月10日 · Minimal decor doesn't equate to an empty house, and you've got to incorporate a few elements of style to personalize your home and make it feel more inviting. In a typical Japanese home, there are many ways to create character through objects, from vases and woodwork to knickknacks and bric-a-brac.

  6. 2018年11月27日 · 3. The Cover Nippon. Located in Tokyo's stylish Roppongi area, The Cover Nippon carries carefully curated handmade crafts by artists from all regions of Japan. There's clothing from Hokkaido, intricate masks from Ishikawa and sleek cutlery from Niigata, to name just a few. Traditional Japanese snacks, fabrics and various lifestyle items are ...

  7. 2018年3月15日 · Art Design Furniture Marie Kondo (or Konmari, if you prefer) and her decluttering empire have taken the West by storm. And it’s given Japan an image of ultra-minimalism where people live a simple lifestyle, free of all the material possessions that have plagued Western homes.

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