雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Reasons for Sentence. Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. Back.

    • 判案書


    • Judgments & Ruling

      Judgments & Ruling Judgments Reasons for Verdict ...

  2. Hong Kong Judiciary - Judgments & Legal Reference. CFA Rule 7 Order - Refusing Leave to Appeal (published prior to 1 Jan 2015) How to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney at the High Court.

  3. 判案書. 裁決理由. 判刑理由. 新載判案書 項下所展示的判案書,都是過去6個工作天內上載的判案書。. 如欲索取此網站內沒有收載的判案書,請以書面方式臚列索取有關判案書的理由,直接向有關的 法庭登記處 提出申請。. 返回. 頁首. 收集個人資料聲明 | 版權 ...

  4. 我們選取有關案件擬備摘要的準則,是有關案件涉及事關重要或重大的法律原則或問題,關乎公眾利益的事宜,廣受社會關注,傳媒或公眾有重大興趣的案件,及/或具有教育價值。 此部分的目的,是讓公眾理解重要判決,因此所載案件無意詳盡無遺。 如欲參考不包含在此部分的其他案件,請查閱 司法機構 的網頁。 (此部分所涵蓋的重要判決摘要是由律政司根據部門對有關法庭判決的詮釋和理解而擬備。 有關摘要並非法律意見,任何人士不應依賴上述資料為法律意見。 有關摘要並無法律效力,亦不應被援引為任何典據。 讀者應參考判決的全文,以全面理解有關法庭判決的法律效力。 刑事案件. 民事案件. 司法覆核案件.

  5. This section comprises the summaries of notable judgments in the past 12 months. Summaries are prepared for selected cases which involve important or significant legal principles or issues, issues of public interest, issues that attract strong media or public interest, and/or for educational purpose.

  6. Significant Judicial Decisions involving the Government Judicial review Cases. This table consists of 4 columns and 8 rows. The first column is 'Number', the second column is 'Case Name', the third column is 'Court / Contract Ref.', the forth column is 'Date of Latest Judgment / Reasons for Verdict'. No. Date.

  7. 2015年3月9日 · Recent Judgments. The table below contains recent CFA judgments handed down within the current or last month. The links to the Judgments and Press Summaries are taken from the Judiciary's Legal Reference System. It additionally contains links to the Printed Cases of the parties.

  1. judiciary hk judgment 相關

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  3. 奧比斯是一間國際非牟利慈善機構,40 年來一直匯聚各界力量,領導全球共同對抗可避免的失明。 透過結合夥伴地區的力量,為當地的眼科醫療團隊提供指導和培訓,激勵他們在社區中奮力對抗失明。

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