雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. mba course fee 相關

  2. 適合持大專學歷及5年或以上管理經驗在職人士兼讀,國際認可,設駐港學術及學生支援部協助學生。 適合持學士學位及6個月工作經驗人士兼讀,QS Stars 2022 (教學及就業能力) 五星評級,立即報名。

  3. 上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 hkma.org.hk

    與英國著名大學合辦多項銜接學士, 包括商管、市場、物流、HR、財務及IT等


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  2. The full-time MBA program costs HK$600,000 (approximately US$76,930) for Intake 2024. This is for the entire MBA program. This applies to both the 12- and 16-month options, as they both require 52 credits. This covers tuition, textbooks and course materials for core courses, and certain enrichment activities.

    • List of Scholarships
    • List of Grants
    • Notes
    • List of Financial Aids

    CUHK MBA Excellence ScholarshipThe CUHK MBA Excellence Scholarship is awarded to candidates with decent academic performance and professional achievements, personal accomplishments and interview pe...

    Corporate Scholars ProgrammeThe Corporate Scholars Programme aims to work with invited companies and institutional partners to nurture more talents. A grant covering 10% of tuition fee will be offe...

    General NotesApplicants’ eligibility and the amount of scholarships they may receive will be assessed and determined by CUHK MBA Admissions Committee based on each candidate’s prior academic perfor...

    OFID Scholarship Award for International StudentsOFID’s Scholarship Programme sponsors outstanding young students from developing countries who wish to pursue a Master’s degree studies in a relevan...

    • 1/3 of tuition fee
    • HK$80,000
    • 1/3 of tuition fee-deposit
    • 1/3 of tuition fee
  3. 香港中文大學MBA課程是亞洲首個提供創業與創新選修方向的MBA課程, 指導學生提升創業創新精神,敏銳度和設計思維,以培養出亞洲最具遠見卓識的領導者為目標。

  4. 学费及奖学金. 课程构成费用 — 510,000港元2024入学年度),分两年、六批支付。 可能金额会发生变动,但最终须经香港大学批准。 定金 – 50,000港元 ,收到入学通知书后支付。 被录取者,必须支付定金来确认接受录取。 其他. 香港居民可以合资格根据政府的《扩展的免入息审查贷款计划》 (ENLS)申请贷款。 详见学生资助事务处网站: http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/enls/overview.htm. 部分港大MBA课目被列为持续进修基金 (CEF)计划项目,对于符合条件者可以申请发还最高不超过 25,000港元 的学费。 详见持续进修基金官网:

  5. 2021年3月22日 · Discover the perfect balance between pursuing your MBA and managing your professional commitments with the HKU Part-Time MBA Programme. Experience the freedom to choose the mode that suits you best and embark on an enriching MBA journey at

  6. Programme Fees. The programme follows a credit unit system. Below is the estimated total programme fee (subject to adjustment). Programme Fees (2024/25) For tuition fee details, please refer to https://mba.cb.cityu.edu.hk/academics/curriculum. Additional programme fees will apply for the experiential study trips (i.e. FB6701, FB6709, FB6777).

  7. Full-time MBA – London Track, New York Track, Hong Kong/China Track. The full-time HKU Master of Business Administration (MBA) curriculum is designed to provide students with a first-class education, real-world experience, a deep understanding of Asia and international business, and a sincere appreciation of cultural differences.

  1. mba course fee 相關

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