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    n 名詞

    • 1. 獨立分句
  2. 2022年3月1日 · An independent clause is the combination of at least one subject and predicate. It expresses a complete thought. For example: The waves crashed onto the sandy shore. The sentence above is an example of an independent clause because it expresses a.

  3. 2022年2月21日 · 華樂絲學術英文. 華樂絲學術團隊結合Dr.Steve Wallace多年講授學術英文寫作課程經驗,與資深編修團隊的學術知識,定期與讀者分享學術界的新知。 訂閱作者. 收藏本文. 英文子句又分成是獨立子句和從屬子句,有時會使非母語人士在寫作時造成混淆,因此以下將介紹不同子句的使用方式。

  4. 獨立子句 (independent clause)是指本身即為 簡單句 的 子句 ,獨立子句中會包括 主語 和 謂語 ,而且可透過主語和謂語表達其概念。 像以下的句子就是獨立子句. My favourite flavour is chocolate. 其中的My favourite flavour是主語,而後面的is chocolate是謂語。 英文中的獨立子句,若要再連接其他獨立子句,可以再加上分號,或是加上逗號以及 連詞 (例如and, but, for, or, nor, so, 等)。 例子 [ 編輯] 以下是一些英文語句的例子,其中 底線 部份是獨立子句,連詞用 粗體 表示。 簡單句(一個獨立子句):

  5. In traditional grammar, an independent clause (or main clause) is a clause that can stand by itself as a simple sentence. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate and makes sense by itself.

  6. 2022年1月2日 · An independent clause is also called the main clause. It expresses a complete thought, and it can stand alone as a sentence. Its counterpart is a dependent clause, which cannot stand alone. Dependent and independent clauses can combine to make different types of sentences.

  7. An independent clause, also called amain clause,” is a group of words containing a subject and verb that can stand alone as a sentence. Independent clauses, if we take them by themselves, are capable of being their own complete sentences. For example,

  8. 2 years ago. An independent clause is independent, meaning it can stand alone in a sentence. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence and "depends" on another clause being present in the sentence. For example, "While I go to the grocery store" is a dependent clause because it is not a complete sentence.

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