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  1. 其他人也問了

  2. Examples: Call me tomorrow; you can give me an answer then. We have paid our dues; we expect all the privileges listed in the contract. Rule 1b. Avoid a semicolon when a dependent clause comes before an independent clause. Incorrect: Although they tried; they failed. Correct: Although they tried, they failed. Rule 2.

  3. What to Know. Semicolons (;) separate independent clauses that are related in meaning, and they separate items in a list when those items themselves are long or include commas. For example, this summary could say "Semicolons are useful; they show that clauses are related in meaning."

  4. 2021年10月13日 · SHARES. A semicolon is a punctuation mark used to separate two closely related clauses without using a coordinating conjunction. Here are 50 example sentences with semicolons. Sentences With Semicolons. Semicolon gives sense to the sentence without being too assertive. It helps avoid being vague and vague to encourage thought.

    • 1 Use Semicolons to Connect Related Independent Clauses
    • 3 Use Semicolons in A Serial List
    • 4 Use Semicolons with Conjunctive Adverbs
    • 5 Use A Semicolon to Give A Wink 😉

    You can use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses. Let’s put that another way. The group of words that comes before the semicolon should form a complete sentence, the group of words that comes after the semicolon should form a complete sentence, and the two sentences should share a close, logical connection: I ordered a cheese...

    You can use semicolons to divide the items of a list if the items are long or contain internal punctuation. In these cases, the semicolon helps readers keep track of the divisions between the items. I need the weather statistics for the following cities: London, England; London, Ontario; Paris, France; Paris, Ontario; and Perth, Scotland; Perth, On...

    When you have a conjunctive adverb linking two independent clauses, you should use a semicolon between the clauses. Common conjunctive adverbs include words like moreover,nevertheless,however,otherwise,therefore,then,finally,likewise, consequently, and many others. I needed to go for a walk and get some fresh air; also, I needed to buy milk. Report...

    The semicolon is a good punctuation mark to have in your back pocket. Or on top of your parenthetical smile. So whether you’re using it to whip up a good complex sentence or to give someone a wink, now you know how to do it right.

  5. 2019年5月31日 · Using Semicolons (;) | Guide, Rules & Examples. Published on May 31, 2019 by Amy Luo . Revised on July 19, 2023. A semicolon (;) can be used to connect two closely related independent clauses (parts of a sentence that could also stand as separate sentences). My car broke down this morning; it’s being fixed at the mechanic’s garage now.

  6. 2022年9月25日 · Semicolon example. Four main ways to use a semicolon. To use semicolons for internal punctuation, there are conditions that must be present in the clauses already. In other words, a semicolon is not a tool to toss around casually in writing without care or thought.

  7. Four Ways to Use Semicolons. Semicolons are used in four ways: (1) To separate list items (when the list items contain commas). Brian, the officer in charge; Mark, the chef; and Dexter, my dog. (2) To create a smoother transition between two sentences. Write with the door closed; rewrite with the door open. (Author Stephen King)