雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 夏天沒有去海灘呼吸下海風,就感覺少了點什麼嗎?日本是個島國,擁有許多很美很棒的海灘,趁著夏天還沒有遠去,快不快去海邊吹吹風嗎?光看照片就令人想立馬想飛去的秘境,不論是在海灘下曬太陽發懶,或是從事各種水上運動,集合日本6大超美的絕景海灘,絕對會令你希望夏天永遠不要結束!

  2. 日本人喜歡賞花,在日語裏,賞花叫做「花見」。櫻花雖美,卻轉瞬即逝,確認好櫻花盛放的時期,將東京、鎌倉、京都、奈良等賞櫻名地的美景一一瞧個遍,可是很幸福的事情哦!今年大家預計去哪裡賞櫻花呢?集合東京・鎌倉・京都・奈良各地的最佳賞櫻名勝推薦,希望能帶給各位旅人一點花見 ...

  3. 名古屋港水族館可以大致分為兩大區塊。. 位於南館裡,提供給遊客的是一趟深海隧道之旅。. 從名古屋到南極,各個水族箱裡都展示著日本海岸、深海、澳洲海域、南極冰海域等地域的生物多樣性。. 而在北館裡,則可以看見許多種鯨類,像是殺人鯨、海豚以及 ...

  4. 2017年11月2日 · Since this is a general term for a lantern, it's often applied to lantern festivals that don't specifically feature chochin paper lanterns. 8. Tado Taisha Chochin Matsuri (Mie) Tado Taisha Shrine is located just west of Nagoya in the city of Kuwana in northeastern Mie Prefecture.

  5. 2019年8月6日 · Engetsu Island in the city of Shirahama (Wakayama Prefecture) is small, as islands go, but it has a charm that outweighs its size. An NPO has even designated it one of the best spots in Japan to watch the sunset. Takashima is the island’s official name. Engetsu literally means full moon and comes from the roundish arch created over time.

  6. 2019年4月16日 · While it’s undeniable that the scenery in Okinawa Prefecture is breathtaking, today we’d like to highlight the views from three bridges that connect Miyako Island with Ikema, Kurima and Irabu Islands respectively. 1. Ikema Bridge. The Ikema Bridge, which is 1,425 meters (4,675 ft) long, was completed in 1992, making it the oldest of the ...

  7. 在夏季到訪日本東北地方的最佳理由是親身體驗這個地區豐富的傳統和文化遺產,以及日本東北地方人民給遊客奉上的真誠。. 無論是學習歷史悠久的手工藝然後親自動手,還是入住豪華的日式旅館,或者在一家家庭式餐館享用一頓美餐,又或是其他種種,您 ...

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