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    • Free familiarisation test

      • The IELTS Trial Test is a free familiarisation test you can take at a participating official Trial Testing location. The IELTS Trial Test is available for the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections of the test, and is offered for IELTS on paper for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.
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  2. ielts.org › take-a-test › preparation-resourcesIELTS | IELTS Trial Test

    The IELTS Trial Test is a free familiarisation test you can take at a participating official Trial Testing location. The IELTS Trial Test is available for the Listening, Reading , and Writing sections of the test, and is offered for IELTS on paper for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.

    • English

      The world's most trusted English test. Take a test. ...

  3. The IELTS Trial Test is a practice test you can take at an official IELTS test centre. Taking an IELTS Trial Test is valuable preparation for when you are ready to take an official IELTS test. The IELTS Trial Test is available for the IELTS Academic and General Training versions in the Listening, Reading and Writing sections of the test.

  4. IDP IELTSIELTS 的主辦機構以及官方考試中心,在全球超過 80 個國家設有超過 2,200 個考試地點。 IELTS 由英國文化協會、IDP IELTS 澳洲及劍橋大學英語考評部共同擁有。 立即免費登記 IELTS官方模擬試. 透過參加 IELTS 官方模擬試,讓你邁向實現目標的一步。 立即參加免費的官方IELTS模擬試,提升應試自信。 透過模擬IELTS閱讀、寫作和聆聽測試,評估自己在限時條件下的表現,以測試自己實際能力。 參加IELTS模擬試並在限時條件、特定環境下體驗考試,是為做好準備應對IELTS考試的最佳方式之一。 通過是次模擬試獲得的成績,可確保你在真實IELTS考試日有一貫的發揮水準。

  5. What is the IELTS Trial Test? The IELTS Trial Test is a practice test you can take at an official IELTS test centre. Taking an IELTS Trial Test is valuable preparation for when you are ready to take an official IELTS test. The IELTS Trial Test is available for the

  6. Boost your confidence today and take a free IELTS trial test. Test your skills with mock IELTS reading, writing, and listening tests and see how you perform under timed conditions. Doing a IELTS Trial Test and experiencing the test under timed conditions is one of the best ways to prepare for success in your IELTS test.

  7. You’ll take the first three parts of the test on the same day, in the following order: Listening, Reading and Writing (there are no breaks between these tests). Your Speaking test will be held either on the same day or seven days before or after that, depending on local arrangements. Listening. Reading. Writing. Speaking. Video call Speaking test.