雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Outstanding Students Award Scheme. The aim of this scholarship is to give encouragement to students with good academic performance and strong commitment to the institution and community, and in particular, those who are outstanding in their presentation, social and communication skills.

  2. 張國威. KOYO品牌的創辦人兼創意總監. 「IVE導師的悉心教導,引發我對幼兒教育的熱誠!」. 楊浩敏. 幼稚園老師,榮獲2011-2012年度行政長官卓越教學獎. 「IVE為我貫通升學階梯,讓我有機會入讀世界頂尖學府!」. 林仲良. 英國劍橋大學高級電腦科學哲學碩士. 「IVE ...

  3. Application can be submitted via the following channels: Submit application online via the VTC Web-based Admissions System. Download and submit the completed application form [ English version / Chinese version] to the Youth College. Address: 46 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. Tel: 4647 9005 (Design) / 4610 3124 (Engineering / Sport)

  4. 陳鎮仁博士, GBS, JP於2011年度畢業典禮上獲政務司司長林瑞麟先生, GBS, JP 頒授VTC榮譽院士榮銜 陳鎮仁博士是傑出工業家,多年來熱心公益事務,對推動本港的工商業發展卓有貢獻。陳博士現為香港生產力促進局主席和破產欠薪保障基金委員會主席,他亦曾任香港工業總會主席。

  5. www.vtc.edu.hk › home › tc榮譽院士

    邱木城先生是本港備受尊崇的企業家及慈善家,多年來積極投身公益事務,推動社會發展。他現為香港西區婦女福利會名譽顧問及錦繡前程基金執行委員。邱先生亦曾任仁濟醫院副主席及東華三院主席。 秉承家族培育後進的熱忱,邱先生多年來一直捐獻支持本港教育事業的發展,扶掖青少年蛻變成 ...

  6. The Department provides higher diploma courses in construction related disciplines which include building studies, surveying and building technology with interior design. The Department aims to provide high quality programmes to train professionals and technicians for the construction industry to meet the building development in Hong Kong.

  7. VTC珍貴時光四十載 你與我的集體回憶 相片徵集活動得獎作品. 「VTC珍貴時光四十載 你與我的集體回憶」相片徵集活動已圓滿結束,感謝各位的支持及參與,各主題金獎及優異獎得主已順利誕生,恭賀各位得獎者。.

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