雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 6 天前 · 第四十二屆周年會議已於二O二四年三月八日(星期五)假修頓場館順利舉...

    • En

      42nd Annual General Meeting was held at the Southorn ...

    • 本社社務問題

      本社社務問題 - 香港警察儲蓄互助社 - HONG KONG POLICE ...

  2. 保持聯絡. 為確保可按時收到香港警察儲蓄互助社的通訊,(一)目前仍服務於警隊的社員,倘更改職級╱駐守單位,或(二)已離開警隊或退休的社員,倘更改通訊地址,請盡快以下列途徑通知該社: •於該社網頁內的「更新個人資料」更改(網址: www.hkpcu.org ); •電郵至該社(電郵: info@hkpcu.org ); •傳真至該社(傳真: 2399-7833 );或. •致電該社辦事處(電話: 2399-7878 ,接通後按 9 字) 行將退休並開始放退休前大假或將調離警隊的社員,請以書面郵寄、傳真或電郵通知該社離開警隊的日期、通訊地址及聯絡電話,以確保能與該社保持聯絡。 最新動向及活動資訊. 凡向該社登記電郵地址的社員,已可透過電郵收到有關該社的最新資訊。

  3. Adjustment of Monthly Saving Amount and Shares Balance (June 2023)

  4. Bank on-the-go 24/7 on your smartphone with the Police Credit Union Banking App. Check your accounts, transfer funds or pay bills, manage your cards and contact details, plus so much more. It’s secure and easy to use.

  5. Bank on-the-go 24/7 on your smartphone with the Police Credit Union Banking App. Check your accounts, transfer funds or pay bills, manage your cards and contact details, plus so much more. It’s secure and easy to use.