雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [ˈsɑːmplɪŋ]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 抽樣 random sampling 隨機採樣
    • 2. 抽樣調查


  2. 2019年9月19日 · This is called a sampling method. There are two primary types of sampling methods that you can use in your research: Probability sampling involves random selection, allowing you to make strong statistical inferences about the whole group.

  3. SAMPLING的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the activity of providing or trying a small amount of a product so someone can decide whether to…。了解更多。

  4. 在統計學中,抽樣( Sampling )是一種推論統計方法,它是指從目標總體( Population,或稱為母體)中抽取一部分個體作為樣本( Sample ),通過觀察樣本的某一或某些屬性,依據所獲得的數據對總體的數量特徵得出具有一定可靠性的估計判斷,從而達到對

  5. 抽樣與代表性 (Sampling and representativeness) 要明白抽樣的意思是什麼,必先辨別母群 (population) 和樣本 (sample) 兩個概念。. 母群是探究的全體對像,樣 本則是通過特定抽樣程序所抽查之對象。. 香港報章如何報導西藏事件?. 問題是,我們應以什麼準則抽取樣本 ...

  6. 樣品. a free sample of shampoo 免費的洗髮精試用包. samples of carpet / curtain material 地毯/窗簾材料的樣品. Please bring some samples of your work to the interview. 請帶一些你的作品範本去面試。. C2. a small amount of a substance that a doctor or scientist collects in order to examine it. (醫生或 ...

  7. 在统计学中,抽样( Sampling )是一种推論統計方法,它是指从目标总体( Population,或称为母体)中抽取一部分个体作为样本( Sample ),通过观察样本的某一或某些属性,依据所获得的数据对总体的数量特征得出具有一定可靠性的估计判断,从而达到对

  8. SAMPLING的意思、解释及翻译:1. the activity of providing or trying a small amount of a product so someone can decide whether to…。 了解更多。 词典

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