雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月10日 · Japanese Twitter user recently tweeted a few stills from Mei and the Kittenbus, the Totoro sequel, while musing that hardly anyone seems to know of its existence. It’s not there simply hasn’t been enough time for word of Mei and the Kittenbus to spread, either, since it premiered in 2003. And yes, it’s written and directed by Miyazaki ...

  2. 2019年12月24日 · Japan's Emperor Emeritus Akhito turns 86 years old. It is his first birthday since his abdication on April 30th. In a video that was unveiled on his birthday, Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko are seeing flowers together at their current residence.

  3. 2017年6月9日 · Movie Trailer: Sekigahara. May 4 saw the release of the trailer for Sekigahara, directed by Masato Harada. Premiering August 26, 2017, the movie is adapted from a historical novel by author Ryotaro Shiba, and stars Junichi Okada of J-pop group V6 as Ishida Mitsunari, leader of the ill-fated Western Army at the Battle of Sekigahara.

  4. All About 艺能人!! All About Japan 和日本之物! 发现动漫,音乐,城堡,美食,餐馆,视频,购物,旅行贴士及更多精彩特辑等着你! 人物专访:描绘出生命的辉煌——神田砂织 日本人 艺术 川端康成在《美的存在与发现》的结尾处写道,“我感受到了美的存在与发现的幸福”。

  5. 2.交通安全護身符. 這種護身符,叫做【交通安全符】。. 會庇佑旅途上的人們一路平安。. 本來這個護身符只是用在安全駕駛上,現在已經延伸到所有出行方式。. ANA日本航空還特別為制作了壹款藍色的護身符,因為藍色代表著天空。. 這款特製的護身符被專門 ...

  6. 2016年2月2日 · 在五花八門的日本傳統點心中,團子(dango)佔有很大的地位。就像湯圓(元宵)之於中國人,團子是一種老少咸宜且物美價廉的日本家常點心。在各地的民俗中團子也扮演著重要角色,比如正月二十吃的“二十日團子”,春天和秋天吃的“彼岸團子”,4月8日的“佛生會團子”,中秋節的“月見團 ...

  7. 2017年6月5日 · The film is directed by Takeshi Koike, who previously directed Jigen’s Gravestone and the "World Record" sequence of The Animatrix, as well as contributing animation to Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and Ninja Scroll. Lupin the Third: Goemon Ishikawa’s Spray of Blood is slated for release in Japan on February 4, 2017. Highlighting the best ...

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