雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 從香港出發,玩盡世界角落. 香港人熱愛旅行,而一些最引人入勝的目的地,就在香港或是鄰近地方!. 從日本的獨特魅力到東南亞的悠閒氣息,只要置身香港,想到處遊歷再不是難事。. 香港人如何在旅行中節省金錢?. 香港人在長週未喜歡到哪裡去?.

  2. Open an HSBC One account in just 5 minutes in the HSBC HK App 5. You’ll get a chance to win exclusive tickets to HSBC One x T1《League of One》party, and get a reward up to HKD4,588. HSBC One believes if you want be world no. 1, you have to challenge yourself. Be bold. Be yourself. Be the legend that you are. That’s why we’re teaming up ...

  3. HSBC aspires to turn the capturing of opportunities into an art form. This art piece reimagines the movements of the Hang Seng Index as a majestic mountain range. Peaks, valleys, slopes and inclines shift according to the natural variations of the market. The installation also features elements taken from iconic banknotes issued by HSBC ...

  4. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents. Influenced by a blend of various factors, both global and local, the affluent has adopted new trends in wealth management.

  5. 滙豐卓越理財在2024年於網上訪問進行調研,訪問多於900名24-64歲個人流動資產總值港幣100萬元或以上,以及子女年齡介乎6-22歲的家長,了解中產家庭對子女及海外的想法與需要。報告顯示受訪家長表示計劃由小學階段至初中階段開始環球升學較去年增超過10百分點,2/3 受訪家長期望環球升學讓子女 ...

  6. 一顆米粒看似微小,但積聚後便能成就每次豐收。滙豐銀行慈善基金貫徹用行動連繫社區的宗旨,以「米」為起點推出SOULFULL行動,聯同惜食堂召集全城溫暖聲音,讓每顆米粒添多一份暖意。我們會將大眾的暖心話語連同愛心飯盒派送給長者,以聲音傳遞溫暖,以食物帶來溫飽。

  7. 高保障投連壽險智能模擬器 了解計劃如何在市場波動下提供靈活性,助您管理資產及保障,攻守兼備。 立即開始 高保障投連壽險智能模擬器 了解計劃如何在市場波動下提供靈活性,助您管理資產及保障,攻守兼備。 立即開始