雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 是發信人的家人或朋友附筆向受信人致問候之意。其位置在署名的左側,高度依附候人輩份而定,如附候人為發信長輩,則附候語在署名左策略高處書寫,餘可類推。正式信不宜。 13.補述語 從「再者」到「又啟」屬之。補充簽文遺漏處,正式信不宜。

  2. Gentlemen:. We are one of the largest importers of Woolen goods in Taiwan and shall be pleased to establish business relationships with you. At present we are interested in your goods, details as per our Enquiry Note No. 2564 attached, and are looking forward to receiving your quotation as soon as possible.

  3. GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY. 一般授權委託書. I, __ (1) __,of __ (2) __,hereby appoint __ (3) __,of __ (4) __,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until ...

  4. 在遊戲中按下 Enter鍵叫出對話框後輸入密技. 如果輸入正確會出現 Cheat enabled 字樣. greedisgood =黃金木材各加500單位. KeyserSoze =加黃金. LeafItToMe =加木材. PointBreak =加人口上限. whosyourdaddy =無敵且擁有一擊必殺. iseedeadpeople =顯示全部地圖. allyourbasearebelongtous =立即獲勝. somebodysetupusthebomb =立即戰敗. ItVexesMe =不會被判定獲勝. StrengthAndHonor =不會被判定戰敗. thereisnospoon =法力無限. WhoIsJohnGalt =研發加速. WarpTen =快速建築.

  5. 2013年10月25日 · 一、分段式箋函:在提稱語後即另起段落進入主題,文內敘及受者的人、事、物前僅以空格(挪抬)示敬,不須抬頭。二、不分段箋函:箋文中提到受者本人或與其有關的人、事、物時,應該要視情形換行頂格書寫(即平抬)。但抬頭亦有些須注意之處:

  6. 收不到信的可能原因(終止服務) 1.所有信件均收不到,那可能信箱容量滿了,請登入webmail後,點選「信箱管理」→「信件匣設定」即... (詳全文)

  7. ‧如何把圖片放入信件本文中而不是用附加檔案的方式寄送? 有時我們要寄給親朋好友出去玩的信件,希望能跟 PC home 的雜誌一樣,一張圖片下面能有一、兩句說明文字,編輯的圖文並茂,可是當我們常常在插入圖片時,都變成以附件的方式寄送,所以讓收信的

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