雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年12月9日 · 來自北海道的他,總能在作品中窺探出北國自然韻味,不論是綠意抑或隱含在建築線條裡的風之流動,置身其中就能彷彿來到鄉野田舍般,愜意而舒心,引發諸多關注,而隨著白井屋重展生命力,成為促成前橋市地方再生計畫的契機!. (攝影/Shinya Kigure). 2020 ...

  2. 2018年1月9日 · Here are 20 of the best date spots you can find in the city! 20. A luxurious date at The Cruise Club Tokyo. The Cruise Club Tokyo is located at the Bay of Tokyo, and is a place which offers fantastic view of the entire city. Landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower can be viewed from The Cruise Club Tokyo.

  3. 2018年2月20日 · Well, it depends on what you mean by "authentic," and what you mean by "Japan!" As a modern city with an ancient past, truly "Japan" experiences in Tokyo run the gamut from traditional arts to modern otaku culture. Here are 16 truly "Japan" options from the very old to the very new! 16. Sit for a Tea Ceremony. A full-on chado or sado (茶道 ...

  4. 2019年3月18日 · Key Osaka Facts. https://pixta.jp. The city of Osaka (大阪市) is the capital of Osaka Prefecture (大阪府), which is located in the Kansai region on Japan's main island, Honshu. Although Osaka is a rather small prefecture in terms of size, it's Japan's third largest city (after Tokyo and Yokohama), with a population of 8.84 million.

  5. 京都古稱「平安京」,從公元9世紀桓武天皇起,日本就建都在此,直到19世紀後期明治天皇遷都至東京,這一千多年的時間裡,京都一直都是日本重要的政治、經濟、文化中心,素有「千年古都」的美稱。然而想要熟門熟路穿梭在京都這座千年古都,其實一點都不困難!只要把握幾條主要幹道和了解 ...

  6. 2018年4月20日 · 说到北海道最大都市「札幌」的美食,大家是不是都只会联想到日本3大拉面之1的北海道札幌拉面呢?札幌是北海道的美食宝库,除了拉面之外汤咖喱、烤羊肉 串烧、海鲜都是人气美食,今天小编要来跟大家分享9家在札幌市区必吃的汤咖喱餐厅,汤咖喱的发源地主要以札幌为中心,是北海道的特产 ...

  7. 2017年1月26日 · Former samurai Yasubei Kimura found himself out of work following the dissolution of the samurai class and the rise of an all-conscript military during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). In 1869, he founded a bakery named Bun'eido in what is now the Shinbashi area of Tokyo, picking up on the staple that had been recently reintroduced to Japan, but ...