雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年7月4日 · 害羞高二數學天才少年健二受學姐夏希拜託,隨學姐回到位於長野縣上田市老家,假裝她男友來慶祝奶奶90歲生日。 奶奶一家是從室町時代一直存在戰國大家族陣內一家。 親戚遍及各行各業。 健二在奶奶家住當晚,無意中解開了一組數列問題,而這個數列問題隱藏密碼正是OZ虛擬平台防禦密碼。 從OZ中誕生人工智能依靠這個密碼妄圖控制和奪取全世界帳號,因此現實社會也陷入一片混亂。 拯救世界任務就由健二和奶奶一家承擔了起來。 - s-wars.jp (日文) http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2143592388794406201. 這部動畫電影中,背景雖然設定在了科技高度發展未來,但影片中卻充滿了日本傳統元素。

  2. 2016年8月8日 · There’s goofy animation, floating, disembodied heads, a bit of nudity, and a main character named Gorgeous. A nice choice if you just want to stare dumbfounded at the screen for a while and aren’t keen on genuine horror. - www.imdb.com. 3. Kuroneko (Kaneto Shindo, 1968)

  3. 忍者是日本特有一種職業,簡單來說就是在古代日本受過特殊機構施以特殊「忍術訓練」特戰殺手、特戰間諜。 僅僅從「忍者」這一稱呼上是不是腦中瞬間多了很多帥氣畫面呢? 究竟真正忍者是怎樣一群人呢? 他們身上藏著什麼樣秘密呢? 走進忍者神秘世界窺探其中奧秘吧! 秘密一:忍者名稱起源. 據說在日本首次派遣忍者完成任務是聖德太子,當時忍者普遍被稱為「忍 (日語發音: shinobi )」。

  4. 2016年8月8日 · The premise of Shinya Shokudo (literally, "Midnight Eatery") is incredibly simple: Every day after midnight, different motley crews of characters enter a tiny eatery called Shinya Shokudo, where they share their life stories.

  5. 2016年8月8日 · With that in mind, let’s take a look at 10 scary superstitions and taboos in Japan! 10. Don’t Step on the Border of a Tatami Mat. Stepping on the cloth border of a tatami mat may bring bad luck. Made of woven straw, tatami mats are very common in Japanese homes, and some contain family emblems on the borders, so stepping on them with your ...

  6. 2020年1月16日 · Men dressed as demons scare children in northeastern Japan to discourage them from being lazy. These so-called monsters are scaring children, but with good intentions. This is a local New Year tradition. Amahage demons aim to prevent children from being lazy. They also pray for people’s safety for the coming year.

  7. 2016年7月11日 · 7. Hashima Island (Nagasaki Prefecture) Hashima (also known as Gunkajima, literally “Battleship Island”) is a tiny island around 15 kilometers (9 miles) off the shores of Nagasaki in the south of Japan. At its peak, the island was home to more than 5,000 residents, mostly working in the undersea coal mines.