雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Y世代(25-39歲). 網戀騙局偷心又偷金,您會中招嗎?. 「我和您一樣,都受過情傷,遇上您真太幸運了。. 「我好想您,您這幾天做了些甚麼?. 「我現在人在外國,不能和您見面,剛好攝像頭又壞了,運氣也太差了。. 「我這陣子周轉困難,您可以先匯款幫我 ...

  2. 於推廣期內,您可以揀選以下5大產品類別中1項進行挑戰,賺取高達10,000「獎賞錢」: 債券及存款證 保本投資存款及高息投資存款 股票掛鈎投資、私人配售票據、利率掛鈎票據 人壽保險 單位信託基金 請登入香港滙豐流動理財應用程式,前往「Well+」頁面查看「理財尊尚選」挑戰了解更多。

  3. 符合我們對於國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地規定,而該規定或時有修改. 「滙瓏環球壽險計劃」是具備儲蓄成分終身人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,其並非等同銀行存款計劃。. 保單持有人受滙豐保險之信貸 ...

  4. Set aside money for retirement. Set short-term and long-term financial goals (a short term goal could be paying your bills on time or cutting down your expenses). Review your finances regularly (on a weekly or bi-weekly basis). Read financial education materials to help you on your journey. Patience and persistence are key.

  5. HSBC Jubilee Wealth Insurance Plan is a life insurance plan with a savings element and non-guaranteed returns underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life") which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority ("IA") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong Kong SAR. It is not a bank deposit or bank savings ...

  6. A deferred annuity policy offering regular retirement income for 20 years or more, after 5 years of tax-deductible premiums paid. An annuity plan with 3 years' premium payment period and steady monthly annuity payments after 1 or 3 years for your retirement years. Get easy access to your policy details, future policy projections, make changes ...

  7. Notifying us. You can notify HSBC of the death after obtaining the Death Certificate of the deceased. All you need to do is to visit one of our HSBC branches with the original or certified copy of Death Certificate of the deceased. For someone who died in Hong Kong, other than Death Certificate, we also accept Certificate of Order Authorizing ...