雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Samedi 10 février 2024 à 14 h 30. Liu Fang 's pipa & guzheng music world. Audio demo. Liu Fang transmits in an expressive and erudite way the beauty and grace of Chinese traditional classical music, while drawing out the subtle sonorities of the pipa and the guzheng.

  2. www.liufangmusic.net › English › biographyLiu Fang: Biography

    Biography (long version) Montreal resident Liu Fang has achieved an international reputation for her masterful and deeply spirited pipa playing. Born in 1974 in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan, Liu Fang began studying the pipa at the age of six and gave her first public performance as a pipa soloist when she was nine. In 1985, she ...

  3. Pipa. The pipa is a four stringed lute with a pear-shaped body. Its short, bent neck has 30 frets which extend onto the soundboard, offering a wide range. This instrument appears in texts dating up to the second century B.C. There are a lot of written texts of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) about pipa music played and the stories that ...

  4. Chinese Traditional Guzheng Music. performed by Liu Fang on guzheng solo. [01] Lotus emerging on the surface of water. [02] Three variations of plum blossom. [03] A red point. [04] High mountain and flowing water. [05] Seagulls playing in water. [06] The autumn moon in the palace of a Han emperor. [07] Freedom flowers.

  5. The pipa (pronounced "pee-paa") is a four-stringed lute, one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments with over 2000 years of history. The term pipa () consists of two Chinese characters symboliz ing two playing techniques (known as "Tan" and "Tiao" today) while their pronunciations p'i and p'a are imitations of the sounds produced accordingly.

  6. www.liufangmusic.net › big5 › history_of_pipa琵琶藝朮的發展簡史

    “琵琶”之名是古人巧妙地結合音、形、意的造字手法產生出來的,為漢語中特有,並非外來詞。 其最初是對所有類似的彈撥樂器的指稱。 有關琵琶的記載最早出現在2000年前。 如東漢年 (公元前25 --220年)學者劉熙在《釋名》一書中寫到: "枇杷, 推手前曰枇, 引手卻曰杷, 像其鼓時, 因此為名"。但當時的琵琶形狀與現在的不同, 其形狀為直頸,園形音箱,音位和弦數不固定。 弦數為四 五 六條不等. 這種琵琶當時被稱作 "秦琵琶" 或 "秦漢子"。 實際上它就是今天我國民樂器中阮的前身。 其名字來源於晉代竹林七賢中的阮咸。 阮咸以善彈琵琶 而著稱。 後人就把這種樂器稱作“阮咸”,簡稱為阮。 而琵琶之名讓給了後來的曲項琵琶。

  7. 中國傳統樂器古箏(Chinese zither Gu-zheng) 古箏是中國最古老彈弦樂器之一。早在春秋戰國時期,就已盛行於陝西和甘肅一帶。公元前237年李斯上書秦始皇時,曾如此描述當時民間箏歌場面:“夫擊瓮叩 ,彈箏搏 而歌乎鳴鳴,快耳目者,真秦之聲也。

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