雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. Qingming Festival; Chingming Festival; Tomb-Sweeping Day; Mourning Day; Clear and Bright Festival; Pure Brightness Festival

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  2. ①It's Tomb-sweeping Day tomorrow, and it's time to go to pay respect to the dead. 明天就是清明节了,又到了扫墓的时间。 ②On each Tomb-sweeping Day, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. 每一个清明节,所有的墓地挤满了前来扫墓和献祭品的人。 ③Winter has passed, and all things recovery, at this time, the annual Tomb-sweeping Dayagain.

  3. 2024年4月2日 · In Chinese Qingming means pure brightness. It's on April 4, 5 or 6 depending on the lunar year. 清明节又称祭祖节,人们在那一天祭奠先人。 Qingming Day is marked as the tomb-sweeping day, when people pay respect to their ancestors.

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  4. 2021年4月2日 · 英语例句:Pure Brightness the season rain in abundance. 汉语翻译:清明节下雨了。 ②英语例句:Pure Brightness Festival is also called Ghost Festival. 汉语翻译:清明节又称鬼节和冥节。 我们不应该太认真地对待金钱,不愿吃东西,不愿喝酒,不愿穿衣服,辛苦工作半辈子,赚不了很多钱,而我们又累又病! 只要身体健康,就永远不会成为家庭的负担。 只要拥有一颗快乐的孩子般的心,就会无悔地老去。 生活就像一匹白马,转瞬即逝,我们必须自由地生活。 编辑于 2021-04-02 · 著作权归作者所有.

  5. 帮助你七分钟复习巩固清明节相关的英语表达。 视频介绍了清明节习俗的来历,清明节时间日历,以及中国人在清明节都安排哪些活动。 围绕着清明节,还介绍了“清明”主题唐诗和清明上河图国画欣赏。

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  6. 2017年5月14日 · 吴均陶老师把【清明】按字面意思处理: It drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day, I travel with my heart lost in dismay。 "Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?"

  7. 英语讲中国故事:二十四传统节气——寒露 Cold Dew:“霜叶红于二月花” Cold Dew is a day which is usually between October 7th and 9th. For Chinese people, it means different seasons in the south and in the north.

  8. 秋季节气 英文 冬季节气 英文 立秋 Beginning of Autumn 立冬 Beginning of Winter 处暑 End of Heat 小雪 Minor Snow 白露 White Dew 大雪 Major Snow 秋分 Autumn Equinox 冬至 Winter Solstice 寒露 Cold Dew 小寒 Minor Cold 霜降 Frost’s Descent 大寒 Major Cold

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