雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年5月17日 · 憑著創新的意念,渣打特別推出渣打網上理財,提供全面的網上銀行服務,以配合您今日的理財需要。透過渣打網上理財,無論您在何時何地,都可以享用這項方便快捷的全天候銀行服務,服務範圍由日常的戶口交易以至財經資訊,全部應有盡有,讓您隨時隨地靈活操控。

  2. 5. 如何登記存入服務?. 登入SC Mobile後,從左側選單中選擇「存入」. 選擇港元往來或儲蓄戶口為收款戶口. 選擇付款機構,並輸入以您的同名付款戶口號碼. 設定每日存入限額 (您的存入交易受限於此限額) 輸入SC Mobile Key密碼以確認登記. 付款機構確認登記後,您 ...

  3. WMC will enable residents in the GBA to access eligible investment/wealth management products sold by banks in the GBA. WMC is divided into “Northbound Scheme” and “Southbound Scheme”, of which “Southbound Scheme” involves Mainland investors from the GBA to open personal investment accounts in HK-Macao distrubuting banks and remit ...

  4. 至Smart 「 3免」3個月分期. 免手續費,免利息, 免分期次數限制。. 盡情消費,輕鬆還款!. 幾個簡單步驟,即可將任何HK$500或以上信用卡零售簽賬分三個月免息免手續費攤還。. 例子:. 簽賬金額:HK$9,000. 還款期:3個月. 每月還款額= HK$9,000 / 3 = $ 3,000. 總還款額=HK$9,000.

  5. 進行海外轉帳,好運的話還有15分鐘食個「快飯」,不過…轉帳可要再等至少3個工作天。 這種繁複操作,影響的不止父母,還有子女。 好友Andy 就分享過他的故事,他的大女在外國駕車時發生輕微交通意外,與前車有點碰撞。大女沒有受傷,但 ...

  6. FREE funds transfers to other local banks. Book Transfer (BT) FREE funds transfers to other SCB HK accounts. SERVICES. Email Beneficiary Advising Services. Send email notification to beneficiary. Fax Beneficiary Advising Services. Send fax notification to beneficiary. Online Treasury (OLT) Services.

  7. WMC will enable residents in the GBA to access eligible investment/wealth management products sold by banks in the GBA. WMC is divided into “Northbound Scheme” and “Southbound Scheme”. “Northbound ” involves investors from Hong Kong and Macao to open personal investment accounts with Mainland distributing banks in the GBA, and ...