雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 釀酒廠加入美妝戰局!. 日本清酒「菊正宗」全面賞評. www.kikumasamune.co.jp. 日本清酒,是藉鑑中國黃酒的釀造法而發展起來的日本國酒。. 日本人常說,清酒是神的恩賜。. 1000多年來,清酒一直是深受日本人喜歡的傳統酒水,堪稱日本的國粹的一種。. 據中國史書 ...

  2. 2020年12月14日 · So it’s apt that this kanji, which people have seen more of this year than any other year, was chosen as Kanji of the Year, receiving 28,401 votes out of a total of 208,025 to be named the winner. So what were the other words in the top ten?

  3. 2020年12月28日 · For 2020, a lot of new words sprung up into everyday conversation such as "social distance," "lockdown," and "stay home," previously unused in Japanese day-to-day life, which was why it was a huge surprise when Sanseido announced the 2020 Word of the Year was ぴえん (pien). Pien is a word used mostly by young girls on social media to denote ...

  4. 2022年7月22日 · 面對架上琳瑯滿目的日本地酒或燒酒,總是不知該如何選擇嗎?想要輕鬆識別日本產好酒,不妨可以先確認瓶身是否印有「地理標誌(GI)」。1995年日本為了促進作為地區共同財產的「產地名稱 」的正確使用,建立了嚴格的地理標誌(GI)的認證條約,一方面用法律保護為產地,一方面也為消費者 ...

  5. 2018年1月30日 · 喝甘酒时,一般选择热饮较多,这也使得它在冬季的旅游景点成为热门的街头饮品之一。. 酒本身有一股香甜气味,厚实浓稠,不亲自来日本的话,很难喝到这种酒。. 11. Hoppy淡啤酒. Hoppy是一款非常受日本民众欢迎的啤酒风味饮料,酒精含量极低。. 它可以直饮 ...

  6. 2004年起,製酒公司在這裡栽培有機米作為“陸奧八仙”的原料。. “陸奧八仙”的製作精良以及酒中釋放出的帶有濃厚青森特色的芳香,讓無數日本酒愛好者趨之若鶩。. 東京青森新幹線即將開通,一切和青森有關的情報也受到人們的強烈關注。. 如果說起青森產 ...

  7. 2020年4月3日 · The first proper brewery to open in Japan was the Spring Valley Brewery in Yokohama in 1870, and was actually opened by an American. The first Japanese-owned brewery was opened in Osaka in 1872, and was followed by the Hokkaido Kaitakushi Beer Brewery in 1876—which went on to become the beloved brand Sapporo.

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