雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 冬天最適合到北海道玩雪,享受北國獨有的銀白世界。冬天的北海道最有名的就是2月初至2月中舉辦的札幌雪祭,今年分成三個會場,大通公園附近與薄野附近的會場以除了具有特色的冰雕展以外,同時搭配光影投射、燈飾妝點,讓作品更顯不凡;喜愛雪上運動的朋友也可以到札幌市體育交流設施 ...

  2. 2020年12月28日 · For 2020, a lot of new words sprung up into everyday conversation such as "social distance," "lockdown," and "stay home," previously unused in Japanese day-to-day life, which was why it was a huge surprise when Sanseido announced the 2020 Word of the Year was ぴえん (pien). Pien is a word used mostly by young girls on social media to denote ...

  3. 2020年12月14日 · So it’s apt that this kanji, which people have seen more of this year than any other year, was chosen as Kanji of the Year, receiving 28,401 votes out of a total of 208,025 to be named the winner. So what were the other words in the top ten?

  4. 雪白櫻粉嫩綠盡收眼底 有如畫作|山形 寒河江川. ©PIXTA. 位於山形縣中心的寒河江市有著非常多的賞櫻景點;其中最著名的即是綿延2.8公里、沿著道路一路漫步可邊欣賞著月山、葉山、旭岳連峰雪景相伴著櫻花樹們的寒河江川。. 盛開之際一路欣賞吉野櫻、垂枝 ...

  5. 「岡山後樂園」建立於西元1687年,與金澤「兼六園」、水戶「偕樂園」並列為日本三大名園,園內設計為迴遊式庭園,展現江戶時代的日式傳統之美。每年到了最賞楓時期,「千入之森」的紅葉景色美不勝收,銀杏也點綴其中,夜間還有「秋之幻想庭園(秋の幻想庭園)」點燈活動,推薦旅人 ...

  6. 初詣的目的除了祈求新的一年平安順遂以外同時也感謝神明過去一年的眷顧今年的過年你想許下什麼願望呢今天D子要跟大家分享東京都內以招財結緣納福為主力的神社與寺廟想在2020有更多收穫嗎趕快接著看下去吧

  7. 2020年9月26日 · 2020 Laundromat of the Year Award Winners. Around this time of year, a coveted prize is awarded within a niche industry in Japan: the Laundromat-of-the-Year-Award. It’s presented at an industry fair in Tokyo known as the International Coin-Operated Laundry EXPO where excellence in laundromats is recognized within various categories.

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