雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021. 港元. HK$ 91,241,558. 19,500. 70,218. 4,661,523 5,831,319. 2,437,596 358,003 738,934 148,300 15,507. –. 51,208,958. 1,455,765 4,298,997 182,130 1,061,140. 77,738,361. ––. 77,738,361. 13,522,697. 2020. 港元. HK$ 91,376,688. 其他收入出售物業、機器及設備之收益. Other income Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment. –. 支出物業、機器及設備之折舊.

  2. 存置定期存款 Placement of time deposits (3,620,331) (7,450,947) 購置物業、器材及設備 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (143,800) (3,980,639) 已收利息 Interest received 1,621,593 1,353,455 投資活動所用現金淨額 NET CASH USED IN INVESTING

  3. or counterparty; or. breach of contract, such as default or delinquency in interest or principal payments; or. it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or financial re-organisation; or. disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties.

  4. 2020. 港元. HK$ 91,376,688. 119,787. 4,457,269 5,803,300. 2,497,760. – 369,935 395,362 646,970 12,536 12,760. 49,865,700. 1,394,802 3,537,370 595,202 883,190. 75,938,435 20,551,000. 96,489,435. (5,112,747) 2019. 港元. HK$ 92,863,472. 支出物業、機器及設備之折舊. 使用權資產之折舊.

  5. Chief Executive Officer. 儲備變動表. 截至2016 年3 月31日止年度. Statement of Movements in Reserves. For the year ended 31 March 2016. 資本項目基金為用以支付發展經地產代理監管局( 以下簡稱「監管局」)核准的資本項目成本。 監管局每年會酌情自累積儲備中轉撥款項至資本項目基金,或由資本項目基金轉撥款項至累積儲備。 於2016 年3 月31日,資本項目基金結餘包括預留作日後可能購置永久辦公室的款項105,700,790 港元(2015年:98,048,170港元)。

  6. 地產代理監管局118 2021/22年報 財務報表 Financial Statements 財務報表附註 截至2022年3月31日止年度 1. 一般資料 地產代理監管局(「監管局」)根據於 1997年5月29日頒佈的《地產代理條 例》成立。主要職能為促進地產代理 的專業操守,提高從業員的專業

  7. 定期存款 Time deposits 9 76,154,121 — 銀行結餘及現金 Bank balances and cash 9 137,327,454 201,498,008 216,363,761 203,945,263 流動負債 Current liabilities 應付賬款及應計項目 Creditors and accruals 8,938,743 8,948,933 遞延收入 Deferred income 10 ...

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