雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年張敬軒舉行The Next 20 Hins Live in Hong Kong 張敬軒演唱會以慶祝出道20周年。 演唱會當中受疫情影響延期,橫跨五個月舉行。 26場演唱會幾乎場場encore,當中尾場更唱至凌晨1時10分才結束,打破陳奕迅2010年的紀錄! 此外,該次演唱會合共邀請了58位嘉賓,包括好友王菀之、C...

  2. 2023年6月7日 · 張敬軒上年因確診新冠肺炎而被迫無奈腰斬Revisit演唱會其後勁錫fans的他不僅宣布補場外還額外加場至於張敬軒之前就表示是次Revisit演唱會將會回顧過往發表過的非主打sidetrack作品意味著最hit最耳熟能詳的櫻花樹下》、《青春常駐等就可能未必會出現在演唱會中了。...

  3. 2024年4月27日 · The Christian right has had a history of unpopular opinions. Recently, their position on LGBTQ rights has made waves around the country. A Christian student penalized for her views about LGBTQ ...

  4. 2024年4月2日 · Spooky. Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano made headlines recently when he floated legislation that would ban chemtrails, which aren’t real and only exist in the minds of unhinged ...

  5. Universal Music Hong Kong, home to Cantopop legends such as Jacky Cheung and Eason Chan, has laid off a handful of employees as part of a global restructuring by its US parent company, the Post ...

  6. 2024年5月5日 · Television. Average Wattage: 5-150. Cost per Year: $4 to $112. If you leave your TV on 24/7, you'll spend an average of $223 per year powering it. Unplug any TVs that you don't regularly use, such ...

  7. 2024年4月18日 · The Missouri teenager whose life appeared to be shattered when she was reduced to a twitching wreck after her head was slammed into the pavement during a March 8 fight is making strides toward ...