雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A 組GPWDLPts
  2. Heat Hazard Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Daily maximum temperature reaches 36 C. Reduce outdoor activities or work. Avoid strenuous exercise. Protect yourself from direct sun, stay hydrated, and be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat

  3. 恆星如何演化成紅巨星( red giant )? 恆星在演化過程中,重力收縮溫度升高點燃核心氫融合成氦的核反應,部分質量轉換成能量,使星球維持長期且穩定的光輝,而星體內部高溫所產生的向外膨脹之熱壓力與造成收縮的重力達到平衡,因此這個階段星體大小和溫度大致不變,如現今太陽即是1例。

  4. Items in Red: first time in 2020 FY2020 HWRFv13 Upgrades Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 6 FY2020 HWRFv13 Testing and Evaluation with GFSv15 NATL and EPAC track and intensity skills for 2018-2019 ...

  5. Cold Surge Advisory Context Signal Criteria & Reminders Yellow Minimum ground-level temperature is below 10 C. Cold in early morning and evening, with a chance of minimum temperature dropping below 10 C and significant day-night temperature difference.

  6. Monitoring impact factors of Taiwan’s climate variability 4 AO Siberian High East Asian winter monsoon Mei-yu front Pacific High East Asian summer monsoon Climate Services 13 Feb •Spring rain outlook Apr •Plum rain outlook Jun •TC outlook Aug •Autumn outlook

  7. 小結 經由單點測試可以發現,3DVAR與LETKF實驗的水氣混合比增 量有相似的量級。LETKF實驗的增量分布呈現海陸分布的現象。 同化ZTD資料實驗相對於只同化雷達資料實驗會增加北部的總 可降水量,減少南部的總可降水量,其變化趨勢大致與觀測資

  8. 中央氣象局全球資訊網