雅虎香港 搜尋

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    8月 31日vs狼隊
    1 - 1
    9月 14日@利物浦
    1 - 0
    超級聯賽10:00 上午 EDT
    9月 28日vs富咸
  2. 2022年8月3日 · They are true nature-made works of art, which can be only seen when weather conditions align just right: The temperature must drop to -5°C (23°F) and as a gentle wind blows the accompanying light snow, creating a spectacular phenomenon that's worth a trip to Yamagata just to see.

  3. 白州蒸餾場位於山梨縣富士山旁。 白州 這支單一麥芽威士忌標榜無陳年標示的威士忌,一瓶約4,000日圓。 色澤明亮的NAS威士忌是由約八年輕度及重度泥炭烘焙的煙燻麥芽以及十八年的美國橡木桶所製造出的。 另外,也有12年份 (價錢約8,000日圓~9,000日圓不等)及18年份 (價錢約30,000日圓)的威士忌可供選擇。 混和麥芽威士忌部門|三得利 (Suntory) ・響. 三得利這款混合麥芽與穀物所製成的「響」有多種變化款。 有高級的21年分 (約36,000日圓),是2014年混合威士忌世界之最。 也有深受大眾喜愛的12年分 (約10,000日圓)及17年分 (約15,000日圓)。 這些威士忌都是經過梅利口酒桶裡的陳化,因此帶有豐富果香味。

  4. 2017年11月2日 · Japan's first four World Heritage Sites were registered in 1993: Horyu-ji Temple, Himeji Castle, the island of Yakushima and the northern biosphere of Shirakami-Sanchi. As of 2016, Japan is home to 16 World Cultural Heritage Sites and four World Natural Heritage Sites. You can see all 20 outlined below!

  5. 2019年1月23日 · Forest covers ninety percent of the island, and Kyushus tallest peak, Miyanouradake (1,936 meters) is part of a mountain range nicknamed the “Alps of the Sea.”. Yakushima’s climate ranges from subtropical to subarctic, and is home to a diverse array of plant life.

  6. 2022年3月7日 · In one hand they carry a wooden staff and in the other a conch shell. They are Yamabushi, and viisitors can get a glimpse of them and their ascetic traditions in a small mountain village in central Japan. A stone carving of En the Ascetic, the founder of Shugendo in the hills around Yoshinoyama.

  7. 2017年11月1日 · Cherry Blossoms Japanese Countryside Spring in Tohoku Shoryudo Fukushima Gifu Yamanashi Tohoku. In Japan, cherry trees, or sakura, are the rock stars of the plant kingdom. But just as some music acts draw larger crowds than others, these three sakura are considered to be the absolute peak of the pink-flowered crowd.

  8. 2017年6月28日 · To complement your trip to Mount Fuji, why not take a detour and visit Aokigahara. It has been dubbed as a "suicide forest," made famous by Seicho Matsumoto's 1960 novel Kuroi Jukai (Black Sea of Trees), and is our top spookiest spot in Japan.