雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年3月8日 · Meet four Japanese women who were pioneers in education and medicine. Tsuda Umeko, Oyama Sutematsu, Ogino Ginko, and Kusumoto Ine fought the status quo and created new opportunities for the generations of women who followed.

  2. 2021年10月26日 · Travel. > Traditions. Englishwoman, Buddhist Priest, Country Mom. Helen Alma Langford Updated October 26, 2021. Temples Historical Site Buddhism Monk Temples & Shrines Miyazaki Kyushu. Victoria Yoshimura arrived in Kyushu some 30 years ago, mere weeks after finishing her undergrad in Southampton, England.

  3. 日本的女僕咖啡店其實並非什麼軟色情場所,在獨特的宅宅文化下,去女僕店坐坐,無論男女顧客,都是為了體驗一種2次元鄉愁的習慣。 的確,女僕咖啡總是給人感覺蒙著一層神秘面紗,讓人想一探究竟。 在來日本自由行時,女僕咖啡館不知道有沒有被你列進想去體驗的必去清單呢? 如果有的話,在入店前,筆者以親身經歷為大家盤點下,去女僕咖啡時,該做和不該做的二三事。 延伸閱讀. 【日本自由行】一年四季都好好逛! 日本必訪10大水族館. 不做會後悔的3件事: https://tabimo.jp/723/25113. 坐在女僕咖啡店裡首先是要放鬆。 當你整理好激動的情緒,看著可愛的女僕店員朝你走來時,也千萬不要不知如何是好。 時間有限,機會有限,作為客人,以下這些環節,不完成可是要後悔的哦!

  4. 2017年4月21日 · Seijin-shiki (Coming of Age Ceremonies) Seijin-shiki (成人式) are ceremonies held every second Monday of January, also know as Seijin no Hi, or Coming of Age Day ( seijin means adult and shiki means ceremony). This occasion is to welcome young adults—who turned 20 between April 2 of the past year and April 1 of the current year—to adulthood.

  5. 2016年8月29日 · While kabuki plays may be difficult to rank, as the popularity of shows and the frequency of performances change over time, below we've listed five key plays in the rough likelihood you'll be able to see them throughout Japan. 5. Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (義経千本桜) Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura, or Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees ...

  6. 2016年11月2日 · According to one legend, a demon in the Edo Period (1603-1868) had unrequited feelings for a beautiful woman. However, when she married another man, the demon, out of spite, waited in the woman’s vagina for the wedding night. The moment the new groom ...

  7. 2019年1月23日 · Samurai Books Highlighting Japan. At the dawn of the Meiji Period, three young girls were sent to live in the United States to experience American education and society firsthand and bring their knowledge back to Japan. Author Janice Nimura discusses their cross-cultural journey and their influence on Japanese society.

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