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  1. 2018年11月21日 · Although accommodation fees in general are jumping because of the rising popularity of tourism in Japan, capsule hotels still typically cost around ¥3,000 to ¥4,000 (about US$30 to $40) per night. As this is much cheaper than a regular hotel, this can make capsule hotels an economical choice if you want to save on travel expenses!

  2. 1+7+1=9h|9小時新形態膠囊旅館住宿體驗. 與昨日道別迎接新的一天開始的重置只要三個步驟:「1小時的清潔洗去汗水、7小時的睡眠與1小時的梳妝打扮」。. 以此為宿泊概念於2009年12月在京都登場的「 9h ninehours 」,主打一天24小時內都可以入住,即使只有1小時的 ...

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  4. 2018年10月17日 · Prices. start from around ¥6000. You can either walk around and find one on the day, or choose. from the increasing number that are bookable online.

  5. 2016年11月24日 · At about ¥5,000 per night, Green Plaza Shinjuku is by no means the cheapest option for budget travelers. But the price includes access to the hotels sento (artificial hot spring bath), which more than makes up for the extra outlay.

  6. 2019年8月30日 · Super Cheap Japan is full of recommendations, but here are their absolute Top 10 tips for traveling on a budget in Japan! 1. Shop in ¥100 Shops. They really are everywhere—from little sections at the backs of drug stores to mega malls, all selling items for only ¥100!

  7. 2019年11月13日 · APA以外5大性价比超高的商务连锁酒店全解锁!. | All About Japan. 说起商务连锁酒店,或许大家会觉得住在里面品味顿失,远不及民宿或胶囊酒店那么新鲜时髦。. 但笔者经过多次来日的切身体验,这种思路或许要矫正矫正了。. 在日本,商务连锁酒店是 ...

  8. 2016年7月13日 · Tokyo is known for its numerous classy and luxurious hotels. But you can also find a great selection of unique and affordable places to lay your head if you just know where to look!

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