雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年3月11日 · Japan's bullet train, the Shinkansen, is one of the most recognized symbols of Japanese engineering prowess. These trains have only become ever more streamlined since they were launched in anticipation of the first Tokyo Olympics in 1964. So it is hard to imagine that a simple hammer can shape the complex curves of this high-tech train's nose.

  2. 2015年10月21日 · While the latest Gundam series, Iron Blooded Orphans, stands alone from the rest of the Gundam universe, you might still decide it's time to take a look back into the nearly four decades of Gundam lore. With a main Universal Century universe and multiple stand-alones, it's a tangled mecha-web to unravel, but the Anime News Network gives it a ...

  3. 2016年2月29日 · 充滿和式氣息的日本傳統民藝玩具 | All About Japan. 大家聽說過だるま落し(不倒翁)、けんだま(劍玉)、力士こま(力士棋)…這些玩具嗎? 小編精選了五個精緻又有趣的日本傳統民藝玩具,買來放在家裡既可以娛樂,又可以做精美的擺飾。 一舉兩得哦~ だるま落とし(不倒翁玩具) http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E6%B1%A0%E7%94%B0%E5%B7%A5%E6%A5%AD%E7%A4%BE-000054240-%E9%AB%98%E7%B4%9A%E9%81%94%E7%A3%A8%E3%81%8A%E3%81%A8%E3%81%97/dp/B004QEPVRS.

  4. 2017年12月28日 · Set in a dystopian Earth where the only real entertainment is an immersive VR world called the Oasis, Ready Player One will be released in Japan on April 20, 2018. - Highlighting the best clips and entertainment news from Japanese TV, including movies, idol groups, anime, video games and more! tv.suki-japan.com Movies Japanese Commercials Video.

  5. 2017年2月7日 · 夏日味蕾新伴 — 日本当地限定款哈根达斯6选 | All About Japan. Bua Loy 2017年2月7日 更新. 水果 甜品 礼品. www.haagen-dazs.co.jp. 哈根达斯 (Häagen-Dazs)因口味众多而广受欢迎。 向来喜欢吃哈根达斯的日本人当然也不会错过推出各种季节限定商品的机会。 既能与国际接轨,又能在本土化上给出出色创意,根据时节更迭,结合日本当地的精华食材口味贡献出优质佳品。 整条产业链高效,合理,完备,很值得学习。 下面就不妨来具体看都有哪些日本限定款哈根达斯特色冰淇淋值得推荐吧。 6. 抹茶黄豆粉黑蜜. http://www.haagen-dazs.co.jp/

  6. 2017年6月30日 · Smashing Tiles Just Like a Martial Artist. The Asakusa neighborhood is one of the prime sightseeing areas in Tokyo. The district is home to Sensoji, the most important temple within the capital. But if you’ve got little interest in traditional culture, Asakusa has an unforgettable experience on offer at a unique business called Kawarana ...

  7. 2016年10月3日 · 优衣库终于实现了与有着140多年历史的伦敦老店【LIBERTY 】的首次合作。超越了世代、文化的差别,备受世界人民喜爱的LIBERTY印花,将点缀在优衣库的多款时装上。这些新款衣装,不但同时富含春天的气息和色调,也并不缺乏典雅高贵的气息。独特有趣的时装展示即将上演。