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    馬會官方投注網域名稱為bet.hkjc.com。 不要向可疑第三者提供敏感的個人資料、投注戶口資料及「智財卡」密碼。 如閣下懷疑或曾經向可疑第三者提供個人資料及投注戶口詳情,請立即經HKJC網上客戶中心 ( cc.hkjc.com )更改投注戶口密碼,及致電1818與我們聯絡,並立刻向警方報案。 提防可疑工作徵求. 香港賽馬會堅定致力於提供平等透明的招聘平台,求職人士可按需要 經本會渠道 申請工作。 本會絕不會向任何申請者索取任何款項。 詐騙集團亦會以高薪工作機會作招徠,吸引求職者誤墮騙局。 如收到任何可疑的工作徵求,請立即電郵 careers@hkjc.org.hk 與我們聯絡。 我們重視招聘過程的誠信,以及對工作申請的信任。 求職人士的個人安全對本會而言是最為首要的。

  3. In respect of Fixed Odds Football Bets, the Dividend on each winning Football Bet shall be rounded up or rounded down to the nearest 10 cents. Predict the full time result of a match - Home Win, Away Win or Draw. If you bet $1,000 on Barcelona (Home) at the odds 2.10, your bet will return $2,100 # if Barcelona win. # Including investment.

  4. Play Responsibly. No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. Betting with illegal or overseas bookmakers is against the law and offenders may be liable to imprisonment. Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline 1834 633 if you need help or counselling. The Hong Kong Jockey Club.

  5. The Hong Kong Jockey Club is pleased to announce the launch of its new “GoalX” mobile app, providing information on football matches, live statistics, betting, live game watching and a personalised journey all in a single application. “GoalX” offers a brand-new digital experience for customers* to enjoy betting on football matches.

  6. eWin is the online betting platform of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. You can bet on horse racing, football, and other sports with ease and convenience. Join now and enjoy the thrill of winning.

  7. 每日更新足球焦點大戰,圖文並茂;精選名家提供球賽分析,賽果預測;球賽入球精華,每周更新

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