雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. IKEA's dining chairs are offered in various sizes and heights to fit your personal needs. You can shop for dining sets with chairs and tables sold together. Folding chairs are also available for you to save up more space at home. Come shop around now !

  2. Check out our wide range of dining furnitures, ideally made for your home. You will find dining tables and sets, dining chairs, tableware, table setting and sideboards furnitures at low prices yet with best qualities.

  3. Products. Furniture. Chairs. Dining chairs. Kitchen chairs. Upholstered dining chairs. Folding chairs. Bar stools & chairs. Junior dining chairs. Chair covers. Dining benches. Chair pads. Dining chairs don’t just have to look good, but should feel good too.

  4. From wooden to rattan dining chairs, choose from IKEA's wide range of styles, materials and colours that will be the perfect fit for any home! Shop here!

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  7. Showing 12 of 301 results. Show more. You can make every meal better with a comfier chair. Want that extra comfort that helps everyone enjoy the meal more and linger longer at the table? Why not check out our different types, looks and colours for upholstered chairs that suit your style and your budget? Shop upholstered chairs.