雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. KMB is one of the world's biggest public transport companies. Since 1933, we have been serving Hong Kong in line with our motto - "Moving Forward Every Day". On the KMB Website, you can receive the latest information about our corporate development, financial status, operational development, customer service and related facilities.

  2. 九龍巴士(一九三三)的最新消息,包括路線延長、巴士捐贈、晨早特快等,讓你掌握九巴的最新資訊和服務。

  3. www.kmb.com.hkKMB


  4. January 26, 2021 Hugh Farmer Articles, Hong Kong Companies, Transport. HF: This KMB timeline comes from the company’s website. The story begins…. On 13 April 1933, Tang Shiu Kin, William Louey Sui Tak, Lui Leung, Tam Woon Tong and Lam Ming Fan established The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB), which was granted the right to ...

  5. 九龍巴士101 線,連接九龍城及將軍澳,途經九龍塘、九龍灣、觀塘等地。網站提供路線圖、班次時間、收費及轉乘等資訊 ...

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