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  1. search.kmb.hkKMBWebSiteKowloon Motor Bus


  2. 想查詢九龍巴士的路線、班次、收費、轉乘優惠等資訊嗎?快來瀏覽這個網頁,你可以輕鬆找到你需要的信息,並且了解九巴的最新消息、服務熱線、紀念品等更多內容。

  3. 1) 本網站之使用者明確了解並同意使用kmb.hk的服務之風險是由閣下負擔。本內容、資訊、產品及服務是依「現況」及「現有」基礎提供。 2) 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司 (以下簡稱「九巴」) 清楚明示不提供任何明示或默示的擔保,包含但不限於商業適售性、特定目的之適用性及未侵害他人權利。

  4. search.kmb.hkKMBWebSite › indexKowloon Motor Bus


  5. Established in 1933, The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited ("KMB") is the largest franchised bus operator in Hong Kong, serving more than 2.8 million passenger-trips each day. A workforce of more than 12,300 employees, including some 10,000 bus captains, ensures that customers enjoy high-quality services on a fleet of around 4,000 buses ...

  6. KMB Academy About KMB Academy Vision and Mission Bus Captain Training Maintenance Technical Training Career-oriented Courses About Us Our Vision, Mission and Values Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility Milestones Award Gateway ...

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