雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 横滨地标塔:观景/购物/美食。首先我们来到的是横滨地标塔。高296米,共70层,作为有着日本第2高度美誉(2017年5月目前)的超高层建筑,从横滨市中心很轻易就能望到,因此也自然深深吸引着每一位游客,想来这里一探究竟。
    • 山手:观景。当初横滨开港之时,山手地区被开辟为外国人的居住地,因此这里的街道上遗留有大量西洋式建筑。除了横滨市保存的山手西洋馆(7馆、免费入场)之外,也可以参观建于明治时代的山手资料馆等西洋式建筑。
    • 山下公园:观景。山下公园开放于1930年(昭和5年),是将关东大地震的瓦砾填埋入海建成的。公园沿着海岸线而社,狭长的公园通路上安放着“红鞋女孩像”、“海鸥水兵像”、“水之守护神”以及“印度水塔”等多处纪念碑。
    • 日本邮船冰川丸:观景。冰川丸一直在日本至北美(北太平洋)航线航行,服役至1960年的大型日本邮船。第二次世界大战后,从枪炮战乱中幸免的冰川丸,1961年作为横滨港开港100周年的庞大纪念物停靠在山下公园前方的横滨港口。
  1. 2016年11月10日 · SASEBO Naval Port Cruise. Also known as the face of Sasebo (otherwise known as the "country of sea breeze", the naval port has much to offer, such as the shipbuilding sites as well as regular ship routes. The port also has a martial air with a long history as a naval port, as it is stationed with Japan's maritime self-defence force, coast ...

  2. 2018年12月6日 · One of which is called Joya no Kane (除夜の鐘). This event is typically held on New Year's Eve at Buddhist temples across Japan, during which a large bell is rung 108 times. There are two theories on why the bell is rung 108 times. One is to get rid of undesirable feelings, of which there is said to be 108.

  3. 佐野Premium Outlets位於知名的世界遺產日光附近,自然風景秀麗,建築風格再現了美國東岸城市風情。從都心搭乘巴士出發僅需1個多小時的車程,是東京近郊必去Outlet之一。這裡共有170多家品牌,如時尚精品、日本潮牌、歐美品牌服飾、運動品牌等,針對訪日外國人遊客將贈送超值優惠券。

  4. 在外國旅遊時不用愁,4種巴士讓荷包省省省. 日本的鐵路線非常有名,像是JR山手線和高速便捷的新幹線。. 但是,對於一些旅人來說,在日本花費的交通費是非常可觀的,並且在查找路線上也確實花費了很多時間。. 別害怕:我們會在這裡介紹4種超棒的巴士供您 ...

  5. 2018年3月2日 · Depart in the morning and travel around the highlights of Sasebo, then head to Funakoshi Observatory, with its impressive views. This tour ends at lunchtime, so your afternoon is free for sightseeing at leisure. Depart Huis Ten Bosch (first tour of the day only) 9: 50 a.m. → depart Sasebo Bus Center 10:30 → depart Sasebo Station Minato Exit ...

  6. 2018年10月24日 · The new site is a 2.3-kilometer (about 1.4 mile) jaunt eastward across the Sumida River to Toyosu, located on a patch of reclaimed land in the Tokyo Bay area. The Toyosu Market, which is over 40 hectares in size—almost double the size of Tsukiji—officially opened to the public on Saturday, October 13, 2018, ushering in a new era for visitors and workers alike.