雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sentricon 滅蟻能蟻定清白蟻餌劑,蟻巢滅白蟻消滅系統,除白蟻,白蟻DIY,白蟻防治DIY. 注意:本產品僅適用於格絲特家白蟻及台灣家白蟻, 不適用其他種類的白蟻以及蛀蟲. 蟻定清餌劑一盒為2500元. 蟻定清便利組內包含蟻定清餌劑*1+純水600cc+量杯*1及無粉塵塑膠手套*3雙喔 ...

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SentriconSentricon - Wikipedia

    Sentricon. The Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System is a subterranean termite pest control product developed and manufactured by Corteva (Previously Dow AgroSciences ). [1] It was introduced in 1995 as a termite baiting system and an alternative to liquid termicide soil barriers.

  3. www.unitedelite.com.hk › terr › ch_sen_ref白蟻 - Sentricon

    Sentricon* Colony Elimination System 白蟻防治系統參考工程. 香港政府機構. (建築署) - 清水灣大廟. - 馬己仙峽道50號 (警務處處長官邸) - 堅尼地道28號. - 中峽道12號 (福利處處長官邸) - 高山劇場.

  4. www.unitedelite.com.hk › terr › senTermite - Sentricon

    - Sentricon* = a revolutionary, safe, non-intrusive, non-disruptive & environmental friendly yet effective strategy in dealing with termite infestation. - Sentricon* = your only way to eliminate

  5. www.sentricon.com › en-us › aboutSentricon® | About

    The Sentricon ® system is the No. 1 brand in termite protection. 1 Developed through extensive research on subterranean termite behavior, the Sentricon system targets the entire termite colony. Certified Sentricon Specialists ® install Sentricon

  6. Sentricon® Complete Termite Colony Elimination for Your Property | Customer | US. Watch on. Sentricon® is THE standalone termite solution for your property and is scientifically designed to eliminate the entire subterranean termite colony — including its queen.

  7. www.pp.sentricon.com › en-usSentricon


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