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  1. 員工證卡之物料類別 Material of Staff ID Badge Card. 卡種: 一般分為三類. 1. 普通膠卡 PVC Staff Card. 2. 薄卡貼 Card Sticker Staff Card. 3. 非接觸式員工證 Mifare Staff Card. 1. 普通膠卡 PVC Staff Card. 0.76mm 厚的員工證, 加上PVC證件套及脛繩 為標準配搭. 展示員工相片用以核實身份. 2. 薄卡貼 Card Sticker Staff Card. Card Sticker 卡貼適合公司的MIFARE卡配選使用. 過往因員工流失時, 直印在MIFARE卡上的個人資料, 無法重覆使用.

  2. Create an employee card template within minutes while making sure you use the company’s official fonts, logos, colors, icons, and graphics. Once your badge design is ready for sharing, download your employee ID card template for free.

  3. 襟章 - 員工名牌襟章 (Staff badge) (職員名牌)的主要材質為鋁合金, 不用同型號會有不同尺寸 (包括外框和窗口尺寸), 主要在鋁合金面版上彩印公司名稱、商標、職位、職員姓名等資料, 有些型號有插紙槽,最適合員工人數多之機構採用。 職員離職後,只需更換插入之咭片,便可給新員工使用,十分環保及合符經濟原則. 襟章 - 亞加力襟章. 襟章 - 員工名牌襟章 P010. 產品材質:鋁合金. 顏色: 金|銀 |黑 (視乎不同襟章型號) 效果選擇: 彩色絲印公司logo和公司名字. 背面默認為扣針, 可加錢改磁吸. 起訂數量: 20. 免收模具費. 歡迎致電查詢和來稿報價! 襟章 - 員工名牌襟章 P011. 產品材質:鋁合金. 顏色: 金|銀 |黑 (視乎不同襟章型號)

  4. Our curated selection of ID cards encompass a variety of layouts, styles and themes that you can use as school ID cards, club membership cards, gym cards, company ID badges and more. We have identification card templates that are appropriate for different types of businesses and industries.

  5. Employee ID badges are a means of visually identifying all your staff using a durable and easy-to-read medium. It contains all the information related to the holder, such as their name, position, department, and photo.

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. BrandHK has an unbeatable range of custom-printed lanyards, name badges and other lanyard accessories. We supply custom printed corporate lanyards for staff and events. Wide selection of styles, colours, materials and printing.

  8. Employee Badges. Make Employee ID Badges with IDCreator. Design a Custom Employee ID Badge Template for your company, add your employee ID details effortlessly in our Badge Maker, and IDCreator will professionally print your Custom ID Cards and ship them wherever they need to go! Start with a Template Start from Scratch. +1 Million.

  1. 相關搜尋

    staff badge holder