雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最齊全 都會駅 一期(都會駅) 3座 樓盤資訊,包括最新成交紀錄、新聞、平面圖、地區配套、按揭計劃等,另配合多角度視頻及相片拍攝,讓您足不出戶即可觀看單位每個角落,輕鬆跨區搵樓。

  2. Midland Realty is a leading real estate agency in Hong Kong. Find out more on HK properties for sale and rent, housing market statistics and latest news. *List the minimum price or minimum discount price for the development according to all price lists. ^Units, for sale , sold count and discounted price is inputted and produced by 28Hse editorial department.

  3. 申報已遞交的購樓意向登記. 美聯物業提供全港樓市最新成交數據,包括香港各區屋苑租賃及買賣成交資訊,全面公開個別單位過去十年成交紀錄,助您立即了解樓價走勢。.

    • Occupation Permit vs Certificate of Compliance
    • How to Check Occupation Permit
    • How to Check Certificate of Compliance?

    Occupation Permit (OP) is issued by the Buildings Department. Developers could commence building works after the architectural drawing has been approved. The architect of the developer would apply for an Occupation Permit upon building’s completion. Afterwards, the Buildings Department would carry out inspection and examine if the building is struc...

    (1) Please visit the Land Registry’s Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) website, and order the memorial (HK$10 fee) to know the memorial number, then search for related land documents with the memorial number (HK $100 fee).

    Please visit the Land Registry’s Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) website and order the memorial (HK$10 fee) to know the memorial number, then search for related land documents with the memorial number (HK $100 fee).

  4. 2021年2月17日 · If the transacted price is HK$6 million, the stamp duty will be HK$6 million x 50% x 1.5% (the old rates), which will then be HK$45,000. Q6. If the property is worth around HK$6 million, can it be transferred to a close relative at a price way lower than the market price, say HK$2 million? Sure. However, IRD may suspect that such transaction is ...

  5. 2024年1月12日 · 2024-01-12. 當大家 租賃 物業,業主和租客的租約一般都會打釐印 (厘印),即租約交予稅務局蓋印及繳交印花稅,已打釐印的租約是具法律效力的文件,倘日後遇上租務糾紛,便可以此作為呈堂證供。 所以打釐印對業主或租客都是一個保障。 然而有些情況是,業主堅拒 打釐印 ,例如租客陳先生,看到一個心儀租盤,租金亦較相同質素單位平約一成,但簽租約時,業主卻明言不會為租約打釐印 (厘印),這情況之下,究竟陳先生應否簽租約? 內容目錄 隱藏. 業主不想報稅或非法出租. 租客可自行打釐印. 查明出租同意書. 委託持牌地產代理. 打釐印程序. 租約印花稅如何計算. 免租期釐印費. 遲交租約印花稅罰款. 其他常見問題. 新增2024年1月十大屋苑租金回報率按年變化. 業主不想報稅或非法出租.

  6. 全期計劃. 混合年期計劃. 按揭利率. P=5.875% - 或. P為Prime rate (最優惠利率)﹐是計算按揭利率的一個基準. 還款年期. 二按計劃 (如適用) 代理佣金. HK$ 律師費. HK$ 裝修費. HK$ 現金回贈比率. 本計數機假設買家的主要收入來自香港﹑沒有其它按揭或擔保按揭﹑購買的物業是作為自住用途。 上述計算結果只作參考用途﹐本公司並不會為該等資料的準確性﹑完整性和/或針對某特定用途的適用性作出任何保證或及陳述﹐計算詳情請參閱金管局﹑按證公司﹑稅務局及財務機構等之最新公布/批核為準‧個別實際還款情況﹐請參閱有關之條款及細則‧資料更新截至金管局最新按揭措施之修訂日期: 2024年2月28日。

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